new look

new look
[nju:ʹlʋk] (тж. new look)
1. 1) новая линия (женской одежды; конец 40-х гг.)
2) резкое изменение моды
3) воен. разг. новая форма одежды
2. резкое изменение, радикальное изменение (чего-л.); перелом (в чём-л.); новая политика

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "new look" в других словарях:

  • new-look — [ njuluk ] n. m. inv. et adj. inv. • 1947; mot créé, à partir de l angl., par Ch. Dior, couturier français : « nouvel aspect »; cf. look ♦ Anglic. vieilli Style nouveau (en mode, en politique). Adj. inv. « des ouvrages de théologie new look »… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • New Look — has several different meanings: New Look , a line of clothing by Christian Dior New Look (clothing retailer), a clothing retailer based in the United Kingdom New Look (policy), a United States foreign policy at the start of the Cold War New Look… …   Wikipedia

  • New look — Le « New Look » est le nom donné par la rédactrice en chef du Harper s Bazaar, Carmel Snow, à la silhouette créée par le couturier Christian Dior en février 1947 lorsqu il lance sa première collection, la ligne « corolle ». Le …   Wikipédia en Français

  • New Look — 〈[ nju: lụk] m.; od. s; unz.〉 neue modische Gestaltung, aktuelles Design [engl., „neues Aussehen“] * * * New Look [ nju: lʊk ], der od. das; [s] [engl. new look = neues Aussehen] (bildungsspr.): neue Linie, neuer Stil. * * * New Look [ nju: lʊk] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • New Look — (engl. neues Aussehen) bezeichnet den vorherrschenden Stil in der Damenmode in der Nachkriegszeit und besonders den 1950er Jahren. Charakteristisch war eine enge Taille und schmale Schultern – somit also eine Betonung der Büste – sowie ein weiter …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • new-look — adj [only before noun] different from before, especially more modern or more attractive ▪ the new look Labour party ▪ the new look Brazilian football team …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • new look — loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} nuovo modo di vestirsi | estens., insieme di nuovi aspetti del costume o dei comportamenti che si sviluppano spec. in concomitanza di grandi trasformazioni sociali {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1950. ETIMO: ingl.… …   Dizionario italiano

  • New Look — [ nju: luk] der; [s] <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. new look, eigtl. »neues Aussehen«> neue Linie, neuer Stil (z. B. in der Mode) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • new-look — new ,look adjective MAINLY JOURNALISM recently changed in order to appear more modern and different than before: a new look stadium for the team to play in …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • new-look — UK US adjective mainly journalism recently changed in order to appear more modern and different than before their £20 million new look stadium Thesaurus: modern and fashionable and up to datesynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • new look — new look, adj. 1. a new or changed appearance, approach, etc., esp. one characterized by marked departure from the previous or traditional one. 2. (usually caps.) a style of women s clothing introduced by the designer Christian Dior in 1947,… …   Universalium

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