- neurotoxic
- [͵njʋ(ə)rə(ʋ)ʹtɒksık] a
нейротоксический, ядовитый для нервных клеток
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning — (NSP) is caused by the consumption of shellfish contaminated by breve toxins or brevetoxin analogs.[1] Symptoms in humans include vomiting and nausea and a variety of neurological symptoms such as slurred speech. No fatalities have been reported… … Wikipedia
Neurotoxic drug — A neurotoxic drug is a substance proven or otherwise thought to cause the disruption or permanent alteration of normal brain activity through observable physical damage.NeurotoxicantsDrugs may include, but are not limited to:* Alcohol *… … Wikipedia
neurotoxic — adjective Date: circa 1903 toxic to the nerves or nervous tissue • neurotoxicity noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
neurotoxic — /noor oh tok sik, nyoor /, adj. poisonous to nerve tissue, as to the brain or spinal cord. [1900 05; NEURO + TOXIC] * * * … Universalium
neurotoxic — adjective Having a toxic effect on nerve tissue … Wiktionary
Neurotoxic — Poisonous to nerves or nerve tissue. (example: lead) * * * Poisonous to nervous substance. * * * neu·ro·tox·ic .n(y)u̇r ə täk sik adj toxic to the nerves or nervous tissue neu·ro·tox·ic·i·ty .täk sis ət ē n, pl ties … Medical dictionary
neurotoxic — adj. poisonous to nerve tissue … English contemporary dictionary
neurotoxic — neu·ro·toxic … English syllables
neurotoxic — adj. poisonous or harmful to nerve cells … The new mediacal dictionary
neurotoxic — neu•ro•tox•ic [[t]ˌnʊər oʊˈtɒk sɪk, ˌnyʊər [/t]] adj. pat poisonous to nerve tissue • Etymology: 1900–05 neu ro•tox•ic′i•ty ˈsɪs ɪ ti n … From formal English to slang
neurotoxic — adjective poisonous to nerves or nerve cells • Pertains to noun: ↑neurotoxin • Derivationally related forms: ↑neurotoxin * * * /noor oh tok sik, nyoor /, adj. poisonous to nerve tissue, as to the brain or spinal cord. [1900 05; NEURO + TOXIC] * * … Useful english dictionary