- neuroleptic
- 1. [͵njʋ(ə)rəʹleptık] n фарм.
нейролептик, транквилизатор2. [͵njʋ(ə)rəʹleptık] a фарм.нейролептический, успокаивающий, снимающий возбуждение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
neuroleptic — NEUROLÉPTIC, Ă, neuroleptici, ce, adj., s.n. (Medicament, substanţă) cu efect sedativ asupra sistemului nervos. [pr.: ne u ] – Din fr. neuroleptique. Trimis de cata, 10.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 NEUROLÉPTÍC s. v. neuroplegic. Trimis de siveco,… … Dicționar Român
neuroleptic — [noor΄ō lep′tik, nyoor΄ō lep′tik] adj. [Fr neuroleptique < Gr neuron, NERVE + lēptos, seizing < lambanein, to seize: see EPILEPSY] tranquilizing n. a tranquilizing drug … English World dictionary
Neuroleptic — A term that refers to the effects of antipsychotic drugs on a patient, especially on his or her cognition and behavior. Neuroleptic drugs may produce a state of apathy, lack of initiative and limited range of emotion. In psychotic patients,… … Medical dictionary
neuroleptic — noun tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired • Syn: ↑major tranquilizer, ↑major tranquillizer, ↑major tranquilliser, ↑antipsychotic drug, ↑antipsychotic agent, ↑antipsychotic, ↑neuroleptic drug, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
neuroleptic — noun Etymology: French neuroleptique, from neur + leptique affecting, from Greek lēptikos seizing, from lambanein to take, seize more at latch Date: 1958 antipsychotic • neuroleptic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Neuroleptic — The term neuroleptic was coined by Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker in 1952 at a French language psychiatry conference in Paris for the kind of drug that reduces the symptoms of psychosis; neuroleptics are called antipsychotics in the United… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G21.0 ICD 9 333.92 … Wikipedia
neuroleptic Medicine — [ˌnjʊərə(ʊ) lɛptɪk] adjective tending to reduce nervous tension by depressing nerve functions. noun a neuroleptic drug. Origin 1950s: from neuro + Gk lēpsis seizing + ic … English new terms dictionary
neuroleptic agent — noun tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired • Syn: ↑major tranquilizer, ↑major tranquillizer, ↑major tranquilliser, ↑antipsychotic drug, ↑antipsychotic agent, ↑antipsychotic, ↑neuroleptic drug, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
neuroleptic drug — noun tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired • Syn: ↑major tranquilizer, ↑major tranquillizer, ↑major tranquilliser, ↑antipsychotic drug, ↑antipsychotic agent, ↑antipsychotic, ↑neuroleptic agent, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
neuroleptic malignant syndrome — noun A life threatening neurological disorder, exhibiting muscle rigidity, fever, delirium, etc., most often caused by an adverse reaction to neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs. Syn: NMS … Wiktionary