- netsuke
- [ʹnetsʋkı,ʹnetskı] n иск. яп.
нэцкэ (резная фигурка, носимая на поясе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Netsuke — Netsuke, das Raijin darstellt … Deutsch Wikipedia
netsuke — ● netsuke nom masculin invariable (japonais netsuke, de ne, racine, et tsuke, accroché) Dans le costume traditionnel japonais, figurine (en ivoire, laque, etc.) servant de contre poids aux objets attachés à la ceinture. ⇒NETSKÉ, NETSUKÉ, NETZKÉ,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Netsuke — Net su*ke, n. [Jap.] In Japanese costume and decorative art, a small object carved in wood, ivory, bone, or horn, or wrought in metal, and pierced with holes for cords by which it is connected, for convenience, with the inro, the smoking pouch… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Netsuke — Netsuke, s. Netzke … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Netsuke — (sor. nétské), in Japan kleine Schnitzwerke aus Holz, Elfenbein etc. zum Befestigen einer Schnur, an der bes. das Tabaksbesteck und die Tabaksdose am Gürtel hängt. – Vgl. A. Brockhaus (1905) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
netsuke — [net′skē΄, net′skā΄; net′sə kē΄, netsə kā΄] n. [Jpn] an ornamental button or figure of ivory, wood, etc., once used to attach a purse or other article to a kimono sash … English World dictionary
Netsuke — A monkey shaped netsuke In this image, a man wears an inro … Wikipedia
Netsuke — Un netsuke maintient un inrō fiché dans l obi, palliant l absence de poches du hakama, du kimono et du kosode. Le netsuke (根付, netsuke … Wikipédia en Français
netsuke — /net skee, skay/; Japn. /ne tsoo ke /, n. (in Japanese art) a small figure of ivory, wood, metal, or ceramic, originally used as a buttonlike fixture on a man s sash, from which small personal belongings were hung. [1880 85; < Japn, equiv. to ne… … Universalium
netsuke — noun (plural netsuke or netsukes) Etymology: Japanese Date: 1876 a small and often intricately carved toggle (as of wood, ivory, or metal) used to fasten a small container to a kimono sash … New Collegiate Dictionary
netsuke — noun a small, often collectible, artistic carving characterized by an opening or two small holes (himotoshi), most commonly made of wood or ivory, used as a fob at the end of a cord attached to a suspended pouch containing pens, medicines, or… … Wiktionary