- neorican
- [͵ni:əʹri:kən] n амер.
«неориканец», житель Нью-Йорка пуэрториканского происхождения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Neorican — ☆ Neorican [nē΄ō rē′kən ] n. a Puerto Rican who has lived in New York City for some years or has returned to Puerto Rico after living there … English World dictionary
Neorican — /nee oh ree keuhn/, n. 1. a Puerto Rican living in New York or one who has lived in New York and returned to Puerto Rico. adj. 2. of or pertaining to Neoricans. Also, Nuyorican. [1970 75; NEO + (PUERTO) RICAN] * * * … Universalium
neorican — neo·ri·can … English syllables
Neorican — Ne•o•ri•can [[t]ˌni oʊˈri kən[/t]] also Nuyorican n. 1) peo a Puerto Rican living in New York or one who has lived in New York and returned to Puerto Rico 2) peo of or pertaining to Neoricans • Etymology: 1970–75 … From formal English to slang
neorican — ¦nēō¦rēkən noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: modification of American Spanish neorriqueño Puerto Rican living in New York City, blend of Spanish neoyorquino New Yorker, and puertorriqueño Puerto Rican : a Puerto Rican who lives on the… … Useful english dictionary
Nuyorican — Poets Cafe, Alphabet City, Manhattan, New York Nuyorican is a portmanteau of the terms New York and Puerto Rican and refers to the members or culture of the Puerto Rican diaspora located in or around New York State especially the New York City… … Wikipedia
nuyorican — ˌnüyȯrˈrēkən noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: modification of American Spanish nuyorriqueño, blend of Spanish nuyorquino New Yorker, and puertorriqueño Puerto Rican : neorican herein • nuyorican adjective, usually capitalized * * * … Useful english dictionary
Nu|yo|ri|can — «NOO y REE kuhn», adjective, noun. = Neorican. (Cf. ↑Neorican) ╂[< Spanish Nu(eva) Yo(rk) New York + English (Puerto) Rican] … Useful english dictionary
Nicholasa Mohr — Born November 1, 1938 Manhattan Nationality American Notable work(s) Nilda; Rituals of Survival: A Woman’s Portfolio Notable award(s) 1974 Jane Addams Children’s Book Award; The New York Times Outstanding Book of the Year; National Book Award… … Wikipedia
Nuyorican — /nooh yaw ree keuhn, nyooh /, n., adj. Neorican. [1970 75; by alteration (influence of Sp Nu(eva) Yor(k) New York)] * * * … Universalium
Nuyorican — Nu•yo•ri•can [[t]ˌnu yɔˈri kən, ˌnyu [/t]] n. adj. Neorican • Etymology: 1970–75; by alteration (influence of Sp Nu(eva) Yor(k) New York) … From formal English to slang