
1. [ʹnaıðə] a

I can agree in neither case, in neither case can I agree - я не могу согласиться ни в том, ни в другом случае

neither statement is true - ни то, ни другое утверждение не соответствует действительности

he took neither side - он не стал ни на ту, ни на другую сторону

2. [ʹnaıðə] indef pron
ни тот, ни другой; ни один, никто, ничто (обыкн. из двух, иногда из многих)

neither knows - никто не знает

will you have coffee or tea? - Neither - что вы хотите - кофе или чаю? - Ни того, ни другого

neither of you knows the truth - никто из вас не знает /вы оба не знаете/ правды

neither of the statements is true - ни одно из (двух) утверждений не является правильным; ни то, ни другое утверждение не соответствует действительности

neither of the books is of any use to me - ни одна из этих двух книг мне не нужна

3. [ʹnaıðə] adv
1) также не, тоже не

if you do not go, neither shall I - если вы не пойдёте, не пойду и я

he cannot speak French. - Neither can I - он не говорит по-французски. - Я тоже

the first attempt was not successful and neither was the second - первая попытка была неудачной, вторая также /тоже/

I have not asked for help, neither do I desire it - помощи я не прошу и в помощи не нуждаюсь

I know not, neither can I guess - я не знаю и догадаться (я тоже) не могу

I haven't read this book neither do I intend to - я не читал этой книги и не собираюсь (её читать)

2) для усиления отрицания:

I don't know that neither - я также этого не знаю

3) уст. ни

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Смотреть что такое "neither" в других словарях:

  • neither — 1. pronunciation. Both pronunciations, niy dhǝ and nee dhǝ, are about equally common. 2. parts of speech. Neither functions in two ways: as an adjective or pronoun, and as an adverb or conjunction. a) adjective and pronoun. Neither means ‘not the …   Modern English usage

  • Neither — Nei ther, conj. Not either; generally used to introduce the first of two or more co[ o]rdinate clauses of which those that follow begin with nor. [1913 Webster] Fight neither with small nor great, save only with the king. 1 Kings xxii. 31. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • neither — [nē′thər, nī′thər] adj., pron. [ME naither, altered (by assoc. with eyther, EITHER) < nauther < OE na hwæther, lit., not whether (see NO1, WHETHER), not either of two] not one or the other (of two); not either [neither boy went; neither of… …   English World dictionary

  • Neither — Nei ther (n[=e] [th][ e]r or n[imac] [th][ e]r; 277), a. [OE. neither, nother, nouther, AS. n[=a]w[eth]er, n[=a]hw[ae][eth]er; n[=a] never, not + hw[ae][eth]er whether. The word has followed the form of either. See {No}, and {Whether}, and cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Neither Am I — Studio album by Bell X1 Released October 13, 2000 …   Wikipedia

  • neither — (conj.) O.E. nawþer, contraction of nahwæþer, lit. not of two, from na no (see NO (Cf. no)) + hwæþer which of two (see WHETHER (Cf. whether)). Spelling altered c.1200 by association with either. Paired with NOR (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • neither — ► DETERMINER & PRONOUN ▪ not the one nor the other of two people or things; not either. ► ADVERB 1) used before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives (the others being introduced by ‘nor’) to indicate that they are each untrue or… …   English terms dictionary

  • neither — nei|ther [ niðər, naıðər ] function word, quantifier *** Neither can be used in the following ways: as a way of showing how a sentence or clause is related to what has already been said: I can t play tennis, but neither can you. as a conjunction… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • neither */*/*/ — UK [ˈnaɪðə(r)] / UK [ˈniːðə(r)] / US [ˈnɪðər] / US [ˈnaɪðər] conjunction, determiner, pronoun Summary: Neither can be used in the following ways: as a way of showing how a sentence or clause is related to what has already been said: I can t play… …   English dictionary

  • neither — /nee dheuhr, nuy /, conj. 1. not either, as of persons or things specified (usually fol. by nor): Neither John nor Betty is at home. 2. nor; nor yet; no more: Bob can t go, and neither can I. If she doesn t want it, neither do I. adj. 3. not… …   Universalium

  • neither — nei|ther1 W3 [ˈnaıðə US ˈni:ðər] determiner, pron not one or the other of two people or things →↑either ▪ Would you like tea or coffee? Neither, thanks. ▪ It was a game in which neither team deserved to win. neither of ▪ Neither of them can cook …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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