- negroid
- 1. [ʹni:grɔıd] n
негроид2. [ʹni:grɔıd] aнегроидный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Negroid — types according to Meyers Blitz Lexicon, published in 1932 Negroid is a term sometimes used by forensic anthropologists and physical anthropologists to refer to populations that share certain phenotypic traits such as high Melanin levels (dark… … Wikipedia
negroid — negroíd s. m., adj. m. (sil. gro ), pl. negroízi; f. sg. negroídă, g. d. art. negroídei, pl. negroíde Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic NEGROÍ//D negroiddă (negroidzi … Dicționar Român
Negroid — UK / US or Negroid UK [ˈniːɡrɔɪd] / US [ˈnɪˌɡrɔɪd] adjective someone with negroid features has the physical appearance of a black person … English dictionary
negroid — UK / US or Negroid UK [ˈniːɡrɔɪd] / US [ˈnɪˌɡrɔɪd] adjective someone with negroid features has the physical appearance of a black person … English dictionary
Negroid — [nē′groid΄] adj. [ NEGRO1 + OID] designating or of one of the major traditional geographic groupings of human beings, including the majority of the peoples of Africa, and peoples of Melanesia, New Guinea, etc. who are generally characterized by a … English World dictionary
Negroid — Ne groid, a. [Negro + oid.] 1. Characteristic of the negro. [1913 Webster] 2. Resembling the negro or negroes; of or pertaining to those who resemble the negro. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Negroid — Ne groid, n. [Negro + oid.] A member of any one of several East African tribes whose physical characters show an admixture with other races. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
negroid — (adj.) 1844, a hybrid, from NEGRO (Cf. Negro) and Greek suffix oeides like, resembling (see OID (Cf. oid)). As a noun from 1859 … Etymology dictionary
negroid — negròīd m <G negroída> DEFINICIJA antrop. 1. pripadnik negroida 2. (mn) ogranak negro australoidne rasne skupine ETIMOLOGIJA negro + oid … Hrvatski jezični portal
Negroid — referring to the peoples of central and southern Africa, is one of a set of terms used by 19c anthropologists to classify human races. They are now outdated and potentially offensive, and the names of specific peoples or nationalities should… … Modern English usage
Negroid — Negride oder Negriden (v. lat. niger, schwarz) ist eine nicht mehr gebräuchliche rassensystematische Bezeichnung für eine Reihe dunkelhäutiger afrikanischer Bevölkerungen, die den überwiegenden Teil des afrikanischen Kontinentes, mit Ausnahme… … Deutsch Wikipedia