
[ʹneglıdʒ(ə)nt] a
1) небрежный; неаккуратный

negligent treatment - небрежное обращение

negligent correspondent - неаккуратный корреспондент; человек, неаккуратно отвечающий на письма

negligent air - равнодушный вид

2) (of, in) относящийся (к чему-л.) халатно, беспечно; нерадивый; невнимательный (к чему-л.)

negligent of his duties - пренебрегающий своими обязанностями

negligent in his personal appearance - не заботящийся о своём внешнем виде; неряшливый, неопрятный

negligent in his work - нерадивый, халатно /безответственно/ относящийся к работе

3) беспечный; непринуждённый

negligent good humour - беспечное добродушие

to dress with negligent grace - одеваться с изящной простотой

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "negligent" в других словарях:

  • négligent — négligent, ente [ negliʒɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1190; lat. negligens ♦ Qui fait preuve de négligence. ⇒ inattentif. Employé négligent qui mélange deux dossiers. Campeur négligent qui n éteint pas son feu. Jeter un coup d œil négligent. ♢ Subst. « ne me… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • negligent — neg·li·gent / ne gli jənt/ adj: marked by, given to, or produced by negligence a negligent act the defendant was negligent neg·li·gent·ly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • negligent — neg‧li‧gent [ˈneglɪdʒnt] adjective LAW not taking enough care over something that you are responsible for: • The products were defective due to the manufacturer s negligent workmanship. negligent in • The airline was negligent in allowing a… …   Financial and business terms

  • negligent — Negligent, Negligens, Incuriosus, Indiligens, Oscitans, Somniculosus. Il est trop negligent de son profit, Ab re est remissior, Budaeus ex Terent. Negligent en ses affaires et endormi, Dormitator. Estre negligent et paresseux en quelque affaire,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • négligent — négligent, ente (né gli jan, jan t ) adj. 1°   Qui a de la négligence. Un intendant négligent. •   Tandis que les prophètes [en Judée] ont été pour maintenir la loi, le peuple a été négligent ; mais, depuis qu il n y a plus eu de prophètes, le… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • negligent — negligent, neglectful, lax, slack, remiss are comparable when applied to persons, their ways of working or acting, and the results of their work or activities with the meaning culpably careless or manifesting such carelessness. Negligent implies… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • negligent — Negligent, [neglig]ente. adj. Nonchalant, qui n a pas le soin qu il devroit avoir. Je ne vis jamais homme plus negligent. faut il estre si negligent? il est negligent en tout, negligent en ses affaires …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Negligent — Neg li*gent, a. [F. n[ e]gligent, L. negligens,p. pr. of negligere. See {Neglect}.] Apt to neglect; customarily neglectful; characterized by negligence; careless; heedless; culpably careless; showing lack of attention; as, disposed in negligent… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • negligent — (adj.) late 14c., from O.Fr. negligent careless, negligent (13c.) or directly from L. negligentem heedless, careless, unconcerned (see NEGLIGENCE (Cf. negligence)). Related: Negligently …   Etymology dictionary

  • negligent — [neg′lə jənt] adj. [ME < OFr négligent < L negligens, prp. of negligere: see NEGLECT] 1. habitually failing to do the required thing; neglectful 2. careless, lax, inattentive, or indifferent SYN. REMISS negligently adv …   English World dictionary

  • negligent — [adj] careless, indifferent asleep at switch*, behindhand, cursory, delinquent, derelict, discinct, disregardful, forgetful, heedless, inadvertent, inattentive, inconsiderate, incurious, lax, neglectful, nonchalant, offhand, regardless, remiss,… …   New thesaurus

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