- necropoleis
- [nıʹkrɒpəleıs] pl от necropolis
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
List of necropoleis — For other meanings, see Necropolis (disambiguation). View of the Tyre Necropolis in Lebanon … Wikipedia
Etruscan architecture — was the form of architecture produced by the Etruscan civilization in Italy between the 9th and 2nd centuries BC.The Etruscan cityThe first Etruscan villages were built from four sided huts, either rectangular or round, with a very sloping roof… … Wikipedia
Memphis, Egypt — Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur * UNESCO World Heritage Site Hieroglyphs in Memphis with a statue of Ramses II in the back … Wikipedia
Vetulonia — Vetulonia, formerly called Vetulonium or Vatluna, was an ancient town of Etruria, Italy, the site of which is probably occupied by the modern village of Vetulonia, which up to 1887 bore the name of Colonnata and Colonna di Buriano: the site is… … Wikipedia
Elizabeth Thomas (Ägyptologin) — Elizabeth Thomas (* 29. März 1907 in Memphis, Tennessee; † 28. November 1986 in Jackson, Mississippi) war eine US amerikanische Ägyptologin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Ausbildung 2 Studium … Deutsch Wikipedia
necropolis — noun (plural lises or necropoles or necropoleis or necropoli) Etymology: Late Latin, city of the dead, from Greek nekropolis, from nekr + polis polis Date: 1819 cemetery; especially a large elaborate cemetery of an ancient city … New Collegiate Dictionary
Etruscan language — Infobox Language name=Etruscan nativename=mechl Rasnal familycolor=Isolate states=Ancient Etruria region=Italian Peninsula extinct=1st century AD family=Tyrrhenian iso2=und|iso3=ettThe Etruscan language was spoken and written by the Etruscan… … Wikipedia
Locri — Infobox CityIT img coa =Locri Stemma.gif official name = Comune di Locri region = Calabria province = Reggio Calabria (RC) elevation m = area total km2 = 25 population as of = December 31, 2004 population total = 13023 population density km2 =523 … Wikipedia
Fayum mummy portraits — Mummy portraits or Fayum mummy portraits (also Faiyum mummy portraits) is the modern term for a type of realistic painted portraits on wooden boards attached to mummies from Roman Egypt. They belong to the tradition of panel painting, one of the… … Wikipedia
Mausoleum — Taj Mahal, in Agra, India is the world s most famous and most photographed mausoleum … Wikipedia
Shoshenq I — Pharaoh Infobox | Alt= Shishak Caption=Karnak relief depicting Shoshenq I and his second son, the High Priest Iuput A| Reign=943 ndash; 922 BC [R. Krauss D.A. Warburton Chronological Table for the Dynastic Period in Erik Hornung, Rolf Krauss… … Wikipedia