
[nıʹsesıtı] n
1. необходимость, нужда, настоятельная потребность

of necessity - по необходимости

necessity for a decision - неотложная необходимость принять решение

in case of necessity - в случае необходимости

there is no necessity - нет никакой необходимости /нужды/

a necessity for action - необходимость действовать

it is a necessity to me - я без этого не могу обойтись

special necessities of the region - особые нужды данного района

in accordance with the necessities of the times - в соответствии с требованиями времени

to do smth. of necessity, to be under the necessity of doing smth. - быть вынужденным сделать что-л.

2. неизбежность; неотвратимость

logical necessity - логически неизбежный вывод; логическая необходимость

of necessity - непременно, неизбежно

it must of necessity be discovered - это неизбежно должно раскрыться

to bow /to submit/ to necessity - принять неизбежное

3. предмет первой необходимости (тж. prime necessity)

household necessities - предметы домашнего обихода

food and warmth are necessities - без еды и тепла нельзя жить

4. нужда, бедность

to be in great necessity - нуждаться, жить в крайней бедности

5. филос.
1) необходимость

necessity and chance - необходимость и случайность

2) причинная обусловленность

doctrine of necessity - детерминизм

to make a virtue of necessity - делать вид, что действуешь добровольно

necessity is the mother of invention - посл. ≅ голь на выдумки хитра

necessity knows no law - посл. нужда закона не знает (а через шагает); нужда свой закон пишет

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "necessity" в других словарях:

  • Necessity — • A strict connection between different beings, or the different elements of a being, or between a being and its existence. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Necessity     Necessity …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • necessity — ne·ces·si·ty n pl ties 1 a: the presence or pressure of circumstances that justify or compel a certain course of action; esp: a need to respond or react to a dangerous situation by committing a criminal act b: an affirmative defense originating… …   Law dictionary

  • Necessity — Ne*ces si*ty, n.; pl. {Necessities}. [OE. necessite, F. n[ e]cessit[ e], L. necessitas, fr. necesse. See {Necessary}.] 1. The quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite; inevitableness; indispensableness. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • necessity — ► NOUN (pl. necessities) 1) the state or fact of being required or indispensable. 2) an indispensable thing. 3) a situation enforcing a particular course: created more by necessity than design. ● necessity is the mother of invention Cf.… …   English terms dictionary

  • necessity — (n.) late 14c., constraining power of circumstances, from O.Fr. necessité need, necessity; privation, poverty; distress, torment; obligation, duty (12c.), from L. necessitatem (nom. necessitas) compulsion, need for attention, unavoidableness,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • necessity — [nə ses′ətē] n. pl. necessities [ME necessite < OFr nécessité < L necessitas < necesse: see NECESSARY] 1. the power of natural law that cannot be other than it is; natural causation; physical compulsion placed on man by nature; fate 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • necessity — *need, exigency Analogous words: compelling or compulsion, constraining or constraint, obliging or obligation, coercing or coercion (see corresponding verbs at FORCE): indispensableness, requisiteness or requisition, needfulness (see… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • necessity — [n] need, essentiality call, cause, claim, compulsion, demand, desideratum, duress, essence, essential, exaction, exigency, fundamental, godsend*, imperative, indispensability, inevitability, inexorableness, life or death*, must, necessary,… …   New thesaurus

  • necessity — noun 1 fact that sth must happen; sth that cannot be avoided ADJECTIVE ▪ absolute, fundamental (esp. BrE), sheer, vital ▪ Sleep is an absolute necessity for life. ▪ dire, urgent …   Collocations dictionary

  • Necessity — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Necessity >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 involuntariness involuntariness Sgm: N 1 instinct instinct blind impulse Sgm: N 1 inborn proclivity inborn proclivity innate proclivity Sgm: N 1 native tendency native tendency… …   English dictionary for students

  • Necessity — This article is about the definition of necessity according to domestic law. For the concept of necessity in international law, see Military necessity. For logical meanings, see Necessary (disambiguation) and Modal logic …   Wikipedia

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