- necessitarianism
- [nı͵sesıʹte(ə)rıənız(ə)m] n филос.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Necessitarianism — is a metaphysical principle that denies all mere possibility; there is exactly one way for the world to be. It is the strongest member of a family of principles, including hard determinism, each of which deny free will, reasoning that human… … Wikipedia
Necessitarianism — Ne*ces si*ta ri*an*ism, n. The doctrine of philosophical necessity; the doctrine that results follow by invariable sequence from causes, and esp. that the will is not free, but that human actions and choices result inevitably from motives;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
necessitarianism — [nə ses΄ə ter′ē ən iz΄əm] n. the theory that every event, including any action of the human will, is the necessary result of a sequence of causes; determinism necessitarian n., adj … English World dictionary
necessitarianism — noun Date: 1854 the theory that results follow by invariable sequence from causes • necessitarian adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
necessitarianism — /neuh ses i tair ee euh niz euhm/, n. the doctrine that all events, including acts of the will, are determined by antecedent causes; determinism. [1850 55; NECESSITARIAN + ISM] * * * … Universalium
necessitarianism — n. doctrine which states that all events and acts of the will are predetermined, determinism, doctrine which states that there is a reason for everything and all is predestined … English contemporary dictionary
Necessitarianism — a metaphysical principle that denies that any facts or events are contingent or indeterminate, from human actions to the laws of physics themselves … Mini philosophy glossary
necessitarianism — ne·ces·si·tar·i·an·ism … English syllables
necessitarianism — Несесситаризм … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
necessitarianism — ne•ces•si•tar•i•an•ism [[t]nəˌsɛs ɪˈtɛər i əˌnɪz əm[/t]] n. the doctrine that all events, including acts of the will, are determined by antecedent causes; determinism • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
necessitarianism — /nəsɛsəˈtɛəriənɪzəm/ (say nuhsesuh tairreeuhnizuhm) noun the doctrine of the determination of the will by antecedent causes, as opposed to that of the freedom of the will …