- neapolitan
- 1. [nıəʹpɒlıtn] n
неаполитанец; неаполитанка2. [nıəʹpɒlıtn] aнеаполитанский
neapolitan ice - мороженое-ассорти; брикет из мороженого разных сортов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
neapolitan ice - мороженое-ассорти; брикет из мороженого разных сортов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Neapolitan — (n.) early 15c., native or resident of Naples, lit. of Naples, from L. Neapolitanus, from Neapolis (see NAPLES (Cf. Naples)); it preserves in English the Greek name of the city. As an adjective from 1590s. As a type of ice cream, from 1871;… … Etymology dictionary
Neapolitan — Ne a*pol i*tan, prop. a. [L. Neapolitanus, fr. Neapolis Naples, Gr. ?, lit., New town.] Of of pertaining to Naples in Italy. n. A native or citizen of Naples. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neapolitan — ► NOUN ▪ a person from the Italian city of Naples. ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to Naples. 2) (of ice cream) made in layers of different colours and flavours … English terms dictionary
Neapolitan — [nē΄ə päl′ə tən] adj. [L Neapolitanus < Neapolites, a citizen of Naples < Neapolis, Naples < Gr, lit., new town] of Naples or its people n. a person born or living in Naples … English World dictionary
Neapolitan — Not to be confused with Napoleon. Neapolitan may refer to: Neapolitan, of or pertaining to the city of Naples, Italy and sometimes its wider Duchy or Province of Naples Previously a nationality, during the time of the Kingdom of Naples or the… … Wikipedia
Neapolitan — n. & adj. n. a native or citizen of Naples in Italy. adj. of or relating to Naples. Phrases and idioms: Neapolitan ice cream ice cream made in layers of different colours. Neapolitan violet a sweet scented double viola. Etymology: ME f. L… … Useful english dictionary
Neapolitan — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin neapolitanus of Naples, from Greek neapolitēs citizen of Naples, from Neapolis Naples Date: 15th century a native or inhabitant of Naples, Italy • Neapolitan adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Neapolitan — /nee euh pol i tn/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Naples: a Neapolitan love song. n. 2. a native or inhabitant of Naples. [1375 1425; late ME Neopolitan < L Neapolitanus. See NAPLES ( < Gk Neápolis lit., new town), ITE1, AN] * * … Universalium
Neapolitan — 1. adjective a) Pertaining to Naples. b) Describing an ice cream combination of the flavours chocolate, vanilla and strawberry in order. Also called neapolitan ice cream. 2. noun a) An inhabitant or resident of Naples … Wiktionary
neapolitan — ne|a|pol|i|tan [ˌnı:əˈpɔlıtən US ˈpa: ] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: neapolitanus, from Greek Neapolis Naples ] neapolitan ↑ice cream has layers of different colours and tastes … Dictionary of contemporary English
neapolitan — adjective neapolitan ice cream has layers of different colours and tastes … Longman dictionary of contemporary English