- neanderthal
- 1. [nıʹændə|tɑ:l,-{nıʹændə}θ(ə)l] n палеонт.
неандерталец2. [nıʹændə|tɑ:l,-{nıʹændə}θ(ə)l] a палеонт.неандертальский
Neanderthal man - неандерталец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Neanderthal man - неандерталец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Neanderthal — ► NOUN 1) (also Neanderthal man) an extinct human living in ice age Europe between c.120,000 35,000 years ago. 2) informal an uncivilized or uncouth man. ORIGIN from Neanderthal, a region in Germany where remains of Neanderthal man were found … English terms dictionary
Neanderthal — Ne*an der*thal , prop. n. 1. (Anthropol.) A neanderthal human being; a member of the race {Homo sapiens} neanderthalensis; as, neanderthals were shorter than modern humans. [PJC] 2. One resembling a neanderthal human; a troglodyte; a cave man.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neanderthal — Ne*an der*thal , prop. a. 1. (Anthropol.) Of, pertaining to, or named from, the Neanderthal, a valley in the Rhine Province, in which were found parts of a skeleton of an early type of man. The skull is characterized by extreme dolichocephaly,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neanderthal — V. «hombre de Neanderthal». * * * VER Neandertal … Enciclopedia Universal
Neanderthal — (adj.) 1861, in reference to a type of extinct hominid, from Ger. Neanderthal Neander Valley, name of a gorge near Düsseldorf where humanoid fossils were identified in 1856. The place name is from the Graecized form of Joachim Neumann (lit. new… … Etymology dictionary
Neanderthal — [nē an′dərtäl΄nē an′dər thôl΄, nē an′dərtäl΄] adj. [Ger, lit., Neander valley (Ger thal, tal, valley, akin to DALE): after Joachim Neander (1650 80), Ger hymn writer] 1. designating, of, or from a valley in the Rhine Province, Germany 2.… … English World dictionary
neanderthal — eanderthal adj. 1. uncouth in manners or appearance. Syn: boorish, clownish, loutish, oafish. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Neanderthal — Neanderthal, Thal bei Hochdahl im Kreise Elberfeld des Regierungsbezirks Düsseldorf (preußische Rheinprovinz); Marmorbrüche u. Schleifereien … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Neanderthal — → Neandertal … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
Neanderthal — For other uses, see Neanderthal (disambiguation). Neanderthal Temporal range: Middle to Late Pleistocene 0.6–0.03 Ma … Wikipedia
Neanderthal — Das Neandertal (51° 13′ 36″ … Deutsch Wikipedia