
1. [͵næzəʹri:n] a
1. ист. назареянин, житель Назарета
2. (the Nazarene) библ. Назорей (о Христе)
3. назарей, христианин (в употреблении иудеев и мусульман)
4. pl назарейцы (общество немецких и австрийских художников в XIX в.)
2. [͵næzəʹri:n] a
1. ист. относящийся к Назарету
2. рел. относящийся к назареям

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nazarene" в других словарях:

  • Nazarene — may refer to: Nazarene (title), a title applied to Jesus of Nazareth Nazarene (sect), a sect of 4th century Christianity described by Epiphanius Church of the Nazarene, modern Christian Pentecostal denomination Apostolic Christian Church… …   Wikipedia

  • Nazarene — • A name applied to Our Lord in the New Testament Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Nazarene     Nazarene     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Nazarene — [naz΄ə rēn′, naz′ə rēn΄] adj. [ME Nazaren < LL(Ec) Nazarenus < Gr(Ec) Nazarēnos, the Nazarene] of Nazareth or its people or culture n. 1. a person born or living in Nazareth 2. a member of an early sect of Christians of Jewish origin who… …   English World dictionary

  • Nazarene — (n.) c.1200, holy man; early 13c., a native or resident of NAZARETH (Cf. Nazareth), childhood home of Jesus, from L.L. Nazarenus, from Gk. Nazarenos, from Heb. Natzerath. As an adjective from late 13c. As a follower of Jesus from late 14c. In… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Nazarene — Naz a*rene , prop. n. [L. Nazarenus, Gr. ?, fr. ? Nazareth.] 1. A native or inhabitant of Nazareth; a term of contempt applied to Christ and the early Christians. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl. Hist.) One of a sect of Judaizing Christians in the first… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nazarene — /naz euh reen , naz euh reen /, n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Nazareth. 2. a member of a sect of early Jewish converts to Christianity who retained the Mosaic ritual. 3. the Nazarene, Jesus Christ. adj. 4. of or pertaining to Nazareth or the… …   Universalium

  • Nazarene — noun Etymology: Middle English Nazaren, from Late Latin Nazarenus, from Greek Nazarēnos, from Nazareth Nazareth, Palestine Date: 13th century 1. a native or resident of Nazareth 2. a. Christian 1a b. a member of the Church of the Nazarene that is …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Nazarene — 1. adjective a) Of or pertaining to Nazareth or its people. b) Of or relating to the Church of the Nazarene. 2. noun a) A person from Nazareth. b) (κατ εξοχήν) …   Wiktionary

  • Nazarene —    This epithet (Gr. Nazaraios) is applied to Christ only once (Matt. 2:23). In all other cases the word is rendered of Nazareth (Mark 1:24; 10:47; 14:67, etc.). When this Greek designation was at first applied to our Lord, it was meant simply to …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Nazarene — [ nazəri:n, ˌnazə ri:n] noun 1》 a native or inhabitant of Nazareth.     ↘(the Nazarene) Jesus Christ.     ↘(chiefly in Jewish or Muslim use) a Christian.     ↘a member of an early sect or faction of Jewish Christians. 2》 a member of a group of… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Nazarene — Naz•a•rene [[t]ˌnæz əˈrin, ˈnæz əˌrin[/t]] n. 1) geg a native or inhabitant of Nazareth 2) rel a member of a sect of early Jewish converts to Christianity who retained the Mosaic ritual 3) rel the Nazarene Jesus 1) 4) rel geg of or pertaining to… …   From formal English to slang

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