- naysay
1> _уст. отказ; отрицание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
naysay — /ˈneɪseɪ/ (say naysay) verb (t) (naysaid /ˈneɪsɛd/ (say naysed), naysaying) to deny or oppose; say no. –naysaying, noun, adjective –naysayer, noun …
naysay — /nay say /, v.t., naysaid, naysaying. to say nay to; deny; reject; oppose. [1765 75; NAY + SAY1, or by back formation from NAYSAYER] * * * … Universalium
naysay — v. say nay to; refuse, oppose; take negative view; deny; reject … English contemporary dictionary
naysay — verb (past and past participle naysaid) chiefly US say no to; deny or oppose. Derivatives naysayer noun … English new terms dictionary
naysay — nay·say … English syllables
naysay — v. (3rd sing. present says; past and past part. said) esp. US 1 intr. utter a denial or refusal. 2 tr. refuse or contradict. Derivatives: naysayer n … Useful english dictionary
nisi — /naysay/ Unless. The word is often affixed, as a kind of elliptical expression, to the words rule, order, decree, judgment, or confirmation, to indicate that the adjudication spoken of is one which is to stand as valid and operative unless the… … Black's law dictionary
nisi feceris — /naysay fiysaras/ The name of a clause commonly occurring in the old manorial writs, commanding that, if the lords failed to do justice, the king s court or officer should do it. By virtue of this clause, the king s court usurped the jurisdiction … Black's law dictionary
nisi prius — /naysay prayas/ The nisi prius courts are such as are held for the trial of issues of fact before a jury and one presiding judge. In America the phrase was formerly used to denote the forum (whatever may be its statutory name) in which the cause… … Black's law dictionary
nisi prius clause — /naysay prayas kloz/ In practice, a clause entered on the record in an action at law, authorizing the trial of the cause at nisi prius in the particular county designated. It was first used by way of continuance … Black's law dictionary
nisi prius roll — /naysay prayas rowl/ In practice, the roll or record containing the pleadings, issue, and jury process of an action, made up for use in the nisi prius court … Black's law dictionary