- navigator
- [ʹnævıgeıtə] n
1. штурман; навигатор2. мореплаватель3. арх. = navvy 14. навигационная система; система наведения (ракеты)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Navigator — Navigator: Netscape Navigator Navitel Navigator Navigator Records Navigator (альбом Terminal Choice) Navigator (альбом Disbelief) DOS Navigator Lincoln Navigator File Navigator Navigator of the Seas Nokia 6110 Navigator … Википедия
navigator — NAVIGATÓR, OÁRE, navigatori, oare, s.m. şi f. 1. Persoană care întreprinde lungi călătorii pe mari şi oceane; persoană care conduce o navă (1) sau face parte din personalul unei nave; p. ext. persoană care călătoreşte pe apă. 2. Membru al… … Dicționar Român
Navigator — Nav i*ga tor, n. One who navigates or sails; esp., one who direct the course of a ship, or one who is skillful in the art of navigation; also, a book which teaches the art of navigation; as, Bowditch s Navigator. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
navìgātor — (navigȃtor) m pomorac ili član posade letjelice, stručno osposobljen za navigaciju … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
navigator — (n.) 1580s, one who navigates, from L. navigator sailor, agent noun from navigat , stem of navigare (see NAVIGATION (Cf. navigation)). Meaning laborer employed in excavating a canal is 1775, from sense in inland navigation communication by canals … Etymology dictionary
navigator — navìgātor (navigȃtor) m DEFINICIJA pomorac ili član posade letjelice, stručno osposobljen za navigaciju ETIMOLOGIJA vidi navigacija … Hrvatski jezični portal
navigator — [n] course plotter helmsman, pilot, steersman, wheelman; concept 348 … New thesaurus
navigator — ► NOUN 1) a person who navigates a ship, aircraft, etc. 2) historical a person who explores by sea. 3) Computing a browser program for accessing data on the World Wide Web or another information system … English terms dictionary
navigator — [nav′ə gāt΄ər] n. 1. a person who navigates; esp., one skilled or employed in plotting the course for a ship or aircraft 2. an explorer 3. Brit. NAVVY … English World dictionary
Navigator — This article is about a nautical occupation. For the aviation occupation, see Flight officer. For other uses, see Navigator (disambiguation). A navigator is the person on board a ship or aircraft responsible for its navigation. The navigator s… … Wikipedia
Navigator — Na|vi|ga|tor 〈[ vi ] m. 23〉 1. 〈Flugw.; Schifffahrt〉 jmd., der für die Navigation eines Schiffes od. Flugzeuges zuständig ist 2. 〈EDV〉 Programm, das die Suche im Internet steuert [lat., „Schiffer“] * * * Na|vi|ga|tor, der; s, …oren [lat.… … Universal-Lexikon