- navel
- [ʹneıv(ə)l] n
1. анат. пупок2. пуп (чего-л.); центр; середина3. бот. рубчик, «пупок» (у апельсина и т. п.)4. = navel orange
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
navel — navel … Dictionnaire des rimes
navel — (n.) O.E. nafela, nabula, from P.Gmc. *nabalan (Cf. O.N. nafli, Dan., Swed. navle, O.Fris. navla, M.Du., Du. navel, O.H.G. nabalo, Ger. Nabel), from PIE * (o)nobh navel (Cf. Skt. nabhila navel, nave, relationship; Avestan … Etymology dictionary
navel — [ navɛl ] n. f. • 1912; mot angl. « nombril » ♦ Orange d une variété caractérisée par la formation d un fruit secondaire interne. Un kilo de navels. Appos. Orange navel. ● navel nom féminin (anglais navel, nombril) Variété d orange présentant un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Navel — Na vel (n[=a] v l), n. [AS. nafela, fr. nafu nave; akin to D. navel, G. nabel, OHG. nabolo, Icel. nafli, Dan. navle, Sw. nafle, L. umbilicus, Gr. omfalo s, Skr. n[=a]bh[=i]la. [root]260. See {Nave} hub, and cf. {Omphalic}, {Nombril},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
navel — [nā′vəl] n. [ME < OE nafela, akin to Ger nabel < IE base * ombh , *nōbh , navel > NAVE2, L umbilicus, Gr omphalos] 1. the small scar, usually a depression in the middle of the abdomen, marking the place where the umbilical cord was… … English World dictionary
Navel — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Alternative Rock Gründung 2003 Website http://www.navelband.com/ … Deutsch Wikipedia
navel — ► NOUN ▪ the small hollow in the centre of a person s belly caused by the detachment of the umbilical cord. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Navel — For other uses, see Navel (disambiguation). Belly button redirects here. For other uses, see Belly button (disambiguation). Navel Human innie navel … Wikipedia
Navel — The umbilicus, the former site of attachment of the umbilical cord, usually found in about the middle of the abdominal wall. The appearance of the navel depends on how the cord was cut and also on the condition of the underlying muscle. If the… … Medical dictionary
Navel — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le navel est : une variété d orange le mot anglais pour « nombril » Georges Navel, écrivain l éditeur japonais de jeux vidéo Navel… … Wikipédia en Français
navel — naval, navel Naval is the adjective relating to navy, and navel is the rounded knotty depression in the centre of the belly (also in navel orange etc.). The two words are unrelated … Modern English usage