Astride — A*stride , adv. [Pref. a + stride.] With one leg on each side, as a man when on horseback; with the legs stretched wide apart; astraddle. [1913 Webster] Placed astride upon the bars of the palisade. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Glasses with horn… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
astride — [ə strīd′] adv. [ A 1 + STRIDE] 1. with a leg on either side; astraddle 2. with legs far apart prep. 1. with a leg on either side of (a horse, etc.) 2. lying on both sides of [a town astride the river] … English World dictionary
astride — 1660s, from A (Cf. a ) (1) on + STRIDE (Cf. stride) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
astride — [adj] with a leg on either side astraddle, athwart, on the back of, piggyback, sitting on, straddling; concept 583 … New thesaurus
astride — 1) preposition & adverb with a leg on each side of. 2) adverb (of a person s legs) apart … English terms dictionary
astride — I. adverb Date: 1610 1. with one leg on each side ; astride a horse < she rode astride, not sidesaddle > 2. with the legs stretched wide apart < standing astride > II. preposition Date: 1653 … New Collegiate Dictionary
astride — adv. (formal) to sit astride (to sit astride smb. s knee) * * * [ə straɪd] (formal) to sit astride (to sit astride smb. s knee) … Combinatory dictionary
astride — /euh struyd /, prep. 1. with a leg on each side of; straddling: She sat astride the horse. 2. on both sides of: Budapest lies astride the river. 3. in a dominant position within: Napoleon stands astride the early 19th century like a giant. adv.,… … Universalium
astride — a•stride [[t]əˈstraɪd[/t]] prep. 1) with a leg on each side of; straddling: to sit astride a fence[/ex] 2) on both sides of: Budapest lies astride the river[/ex] 3) in a dominant position within: Napoleon stands astride the early 19th… … From formal English to slang
astride — 1. adverb With one’s legs on either side. The men ride their horses astride. 2. preposition With one’s legs on either side of. The boy sat astride his father’s knee … Wiktionary
astride — a|stride [əˈstraıd] adv, prep 1.) with one leg on each side of something ▪ a photograph of my mother sitting astride a horse 2.) on both sides of a river, road etc ▪ The ancient town of Bridgwater, astride the River Parrett, is an ideal touring… … Dictionary of contemporary English