- narghile
- [ʹnɑ:gılı] n перс.
наргиле (курительный прибор)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
narghile — (n.) oriental water pipe for smoking, 1839, from Fr. narghileh, from Persian nargileh, from nargil cocoa nut, of which the bowl was originally made. The Persian word is probably from Skt. narikerah, which may be from a Dravidian source … Etymology dictionary
narghile — [när′gə lē΄, när′gəlā΄] n. [Pers nārgīleh < nargīl, coconut tree, prob. < Sans nārikera, coconut: orig. made of coconut shell] a kind of water pipe for smoking: also sp. nargile or nargileh … English World dictionary
Narghilé — Narguilé Pour l’article homonyme, voir Narguilé (plongée). Un narguilé Narguilé, narghilé, narjila de Turc: Nargile ( … Wikipédia en Français
narghilé — narguilé ou narghilé [ nargile ] n. m. • 1834; narguillet 1790; mot persan ♦ Pipe orientale, à long tuyau communiquant avec un flacon d eau aromatisée que la fumée traverse avant d arriver à la bouche du fumeur. ⇒ houka. « Fumant notre narguilé… … Encyclopédie Universelle
narghile — Hookah Hook ah (h[oo^]k [.a]), n. [Per. or Ar. huqqa a round box or casket, a bottle through which the fumes pass when smoking tobacco.] A pipe with a long, flexible stem, so arranged that the smoke is cooled by being made to pass through water.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
narghile — or nargileh noun Etymology: Persian nārgīla, from nārgīl coconut, of Indo Aryan origin; akin to Sanskrit nārikela coconut; from the original material used in making its bowl Date: 1758 a water pipe for smoking that originated in the Near East … New Collegiate Dictionary
narghile — /nahr geuh lee, lay /, n. a Middle Eastern tobacco pipe in which the smoke is drawn through water before reaching the lips; hookah. Also, nargile, nargileh. [1830 40; < Turk nargile < Pers nargileh, deriv. of nargil coconut, from which the bowl… … Universalium
narghile — noun A large Oriental tobacco pipe wherein the smoke is drawn through water to filter and cool it. Syn: hookah … Wiktionary
narghilè — nar·ghi·lè s.m.inv. CO nei paesi musulmani, sorta di pipa in cui il fumo viene depurato dal passaggio nell acqua profumata contenuta in un recipiente di vetro {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1868. ETIMO: dal fr. narguilé, dal pers. nārgīleh, der. di… … Dizionario italiano
narghilè — {{hw}}{{narghilè}}{{/hw}}s. m. Pipa orientale costituita da un recipiente con acqua e da due tubi, uno dei quali con bocchino per aspirare il fumo passato attraverso l acqua. ETIMOLOGIA: dal persiano narguileh, deriv. di narguil ‘noce di cocco’… … Enciclopedia di italiano
narghile — nÉ‘rgɪlɪ , leɪ / nÉ‘Ë n. nargileh, type of smoking pipe used in eastern countries in which the smoke is filtered through a water pipe before reaching the inhaler pipe … English contemporary dictionary