- naboth
- [ʹneıbɒθ] n библ.
Naboth's vineyard - а) виноградник Навуфея; б) предмет вожделений; цель, для достижения которой идут на преступление
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Naboth's vineyard - а) виноградник Навуфея; б) предмет вожделений; цель, для достижения которой идут на преступление
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
NABOTH — (Heb. נָבוֹת), owner of a vineyard close to the palace of ahab king of Israel (I Kings 21:2). Naboth came from the town of Jezreel. Ahab coveted Naboth s vineyard, but Naboth refused to sell or exchange it, basing his refusal on the tradition… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Naboth — (hebräisch נבות) war eine Person im Alten Testament, der gemäß der biblischen Erzählung einen von König Ahab begehrten Weinberg in Jesreel besaß und deswegen umgebracht wurde. Namensbedeutung Die Bedeutung des Namens Naboth ist unsicher. In den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Naboth — était un habitant de Jezreel, qui refusa de vendre au roi Achab une vigne située près du palais de ce prince et qui était l héritage de ses pères : Jézabel, femme d Achab, l accusa, pour se venger, d avoir blasphémé contre Dieu et maudit le… … Wikipédia en Français
Naboth [1] — Naboth, Bürger in Israel, welchen König Ahab auf Anstiften seiner Gemahlin Isebel steinigen ließ, um sich in den Besitz seines Weinberges zu setzen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Naboth [2] — Naboth, Mart., geb. 1675 zu Kalau in der Niederlausitz; wurde 1707 Professor der Chemie in Leipzig, beschäftigte sich auch mit Anatomie u. st. daselbst 1721. Benannt sind nach ihm die Nabothschen Eierchen (Ovula nabothiana, s. dessen Dissertation … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
NABOTH — vir Iudaeus, per iniuriam ac dolum ab Achabo rege, cui poenam Elias praedixit, circumventus, et interfectus, quia ei vineam suam vendere noluerat, 1 Reg. c. 21. v. 3. Torniel. A. M. 3135. n. 2 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Naboth — [nā′bäth] n. [Heb nābhōth] Bible a vineyard owner, killed at Jezebel s behest so that Ahab could seize the vineyard: 1 Kings 21 … English World dictionary
Naboth — Jezebel and Ahab confronted by the prophet Elijah in Naboth s vineyard, print by Sir Francis Dicksee (1853 1928) Naboth (Hebrew: נבות, fruits ) the Jezreelite, is the central figure of a story from the Old Te … Wikipedia
Naboth — Fruits, the Jezreelite, was the owner of a portion of ground on the eastern slope of the hill of Jezreel (2 Kings 9:25, 26). This small plat of ground seems to have been all he possessed. It was a vineyard, and lay hard by the palace of Ahab… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Naboth — (fl. 9th cent BCE) Israelite landowner. He possessed a vineyard, which Ahab coveted. When Naboth refused to give it up, Ahab s queen Jezebel plotted to bring about his downfall. She persuaded the local elders to honour Naboth and then to bring … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
Naboth — Owner of a vineyard which King Ahab wished to buy because it adjoined the royal property; but when Naboth refused to sell, Queen Jezebel conspired to bring a false charge of blasphemy against him, for which he was stoned. Ahab moved in to take… … Dictionary of the Bible