- mythology
- [mıʹθɒlədʒı] n
1. мифология2. 1) сборник мифов2) изучение мифов3. уст. аллегория, иносказание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mythology — Box set de los Bee Gees Publicación Noviembre de 2009 Género(s) Rock Compilador Rhino … Wikipedia Español
Mythology — My*thol o*gy, n.; pl. {Mythologies}. [F. mythologie, L. mythologia, Gr. myqologi a; my^qos, fable, myth + lo gos speech, discourse.] 1. The science which treats of myths; a treatise on myths. [1913 Webster] 2. A body of myths; esp., the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mythology — (n.) early 15c., exposition of myths, from M.Fr. mythologie and directly from L.L. mythologia, from Gk. mythologia legendary lore, a telling of mythic legends; a legend, story, tale, from mythos myth (of unknown origin) + LOGY (Cf. logy) study.… … Etymology dictionary
mythology — [n] folklore belief, conviction, folk tales, legend, lore, mythicism, mythos, myths, stories, tradition; concept 282 Ant. actuality, history, reality, truth … New thesaurus
mythology — ► NOUN (pl. mythologies) 1) a collection of myths. 2) a set of widely held but exaggerated or fictitious stories or beliefs. 3) the study of myths. DERIVATIVES mythologist noun … English terms dictionary
mythology — [mi thäl′əjē] n. pl. mythologies [ME methologie < LL mythologia < Gr, a telling of tales or legends < mythos,MYTH1 + logia, LOGY] 1. the science or study of myths 2. a book of or about myths 3. myths collectively; esp., all the myths of… … English World dictionary
Mythology — For other uses, see Mythology (disambiguation), and Myth (disambiguation). Prometheus (1868) by Gustave Moreau. The myth of Prometheus, first attested by Hesiodus, later became the basis of a trilogy of tragedy plays, possibly by Aeschylus,… … Wikipedia
mythology — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ popular ▪ personal ▪ national ▪ cultural, political ▪ ancient, classical … Collocations dictionary
MYTHOLOGY — Artistic representation, often with identifying inscriptions, is the richest source of mythology, making this a detailed source of understanding of religion. Painted pottery, incised bronze mirrors, cinerary urns, and painted tombs contain… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
mythology — my|thol|o|gy [mıˈθɔlədʒi US ˈθa: ] n plural mythologies [U and C] 1.) set of ancient myths ▪ characters from classical mythology mythology of ▪ the mythology of the Persians 2.) ideas or opinions that many people have, but that are wrong or not… … Dictionary of contemporary English
mythology — [[t]mɪθɒ̱ləʤi[/t]] mythologies 1) N VAR Mythology is a group of myths, especially all the myths from a particular country, religion, or culture. In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda... This is well illustrated… … English dictionary