
[ʹmju:tʃʋəl] a
1. взаимный, обоюдный

mutual aid /assistance, help/ - взаимопомощь

mutual relations - взаимоотношения

mutual hate - взаимная /обоюдная/ ненависть

mutual attraction - а) взаимное притяжение; б) обоюдная /взаимная/ симпатия

mutual admiration society - ирон. общество взаимного восхваления

mutual security program - программа обеспечения взаимной безопасности

mutual terms /principles/ - ком. расчёт с помощью взаимных услуг

mutual savings bank - взаимосберегательный банк

mutual benefit - взаимная выгода

mutual overtaking - взаимный обгон (автомобилей)

mutual exchange of fire - воен. а) перестрелка; б) взаимная огневая поддержка

mutual fire support - воен. огневое взаимодействие

mutual inductance - эл. взаимная индуктивность

mutual conductance - элк. крутизна характеристики лампы

2. разг. общий, совместный

mutual friend - общий друг

to state [to express] mutual opinion - высказать [выразить] общее мнение

mutual wall - общая стена (между двумя прилегающими зданиями)

3. соответственный

they took their mutual arms - каждый взял своё /принадлежащее ему/ оружие

4. уст. отзывчивый, чувствительный, сердечный

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mutual" в других словарях:

  • mutual — 1. • That done, our day of marriage shall be yours, One feast, one house, one mutual happiness. Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, v.iv.170–1. Until the 19c, mutual was used with little difficulty in two main meanings: (1) that reflected in… …   Modern English usage

  • mutual — mu·tu·al / myü chə wəl/ adj 1: directed by each toward the other: reciprocal mutual orders of protection in domestic violence cases L. H. Schafran and Norman Wikler 2: shared in common …   Law dictionary

  • Mutual — Mu tu*al, a. [F. mutuel, L. mutuus, orig., exchanged, borrowed, lent; akin to mutare to change. See {Mutable}.] 1. Reciprocally acting or related; reciprocally receiving and giving; reciprocally given and received; reciprocal; interchanged; as, a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mutual — mu‧tu‧al [ˈmjuːtʆuəl] adjective [only before a noun] FINANCE relating to financial institutions, for example some insurance companies and, in Britain, building, where there are no shareholders but where investors receive their share of profits in …   Financial and business terms

  • Mutual — may refer to: Mutual organization, where customers derive a right to profits and votes Mutual information, the intersection of multiple information sets Mutual insurance, where policyholders have certain ownership rights in the organization… …   Wikipedia

  • mutual — MUTUÁL, Ă, mutuali, e, adj. Care se face în mod reciproc şi simultan. ♦ Inducţie mutuală = inducţie electromagnetică exercitată reciproc între două circuite străbătute de curenţi electrici variabili. ♦ (impr.) Care are loc reciproc şi fără… …   Dicționar Român

  • mutual — [myo͞o′cho͞o əl] adj. [LME mutuall < MFr mutuel < L mutuus, mutual, reciprocal < mutare, to change, exchange: see MISS1] 1. a) done, felt, etc. by each of two or more for or toward the other or others; reciprocal [mutual admiration] b)… …   English World dictionary

  • Mutual — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Mutual (Maryland) Mutual (Ohio) Mutual (Oklahoma) Mutual (Pennsylvania) Mutual (Utah) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Be …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mutual — Mutual, OH U.S. village in Ohio Population (2000): 132 Housing Units (2000): 51 Land area (2000): 0.136140 sq. miles (0.352600 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.136140 sq. miles (0.352600 sq. km) …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • mutual — ► ADJECTIVE 1) experienced or done by each of two or more parties towards the other or others. 2) (of two or more parties) having the same specified relationship to each other. 3) held in common by two or more parties. 4) (of a building society… …   English terms dictionary

  • Mutual FC — Voller Name Mutual Football Club Ort Hong Kong Gegründet …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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