- astatic
- [əʹstætık] a
1. неустойчивый, нестабильный2. физ. астатический
astatic coil - радио астатическая катушка
astatic needle - астатическая магнитная стрелка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
astatic coil - радио астатическая катушка
astatic needle - астатическая магнитная стрелка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Astatic — A*stat ic, a. [Pref. a not + static.] (Magnetism) Having little or no tendency to take a fixed or definite position or direction: thus, a suspended magnetic needle, when rendered astatic, loses its polarity, or tendency to point in a given… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
astatic — astátic adj. m., pl. astátici; f. sg. astátică, pl. astátice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ASTÁTIC, Ă adj. În echilibru în toate poziţiile. // adj., s.m. şi … Dicționar Român
astatic — [ā stat′ik] adj. [ A 2 (not) + STATIC] 1. unstable; unsteady 2. Physics not taking a definite position or direction [an astatic needle on a galvanometer is not affected by the earth s magnetism] astatically adv. astaticism [ā stat′ə siz΄əm] n … English World dictionary
astatic — 1827, from Gk. astatos unstable, not steadfast, from a , privative prefix (see A (Cf. a ) (3)), + statos placed, standing, from PIE root *sta (see STET (Cf. stet)) … Etymology dictionary
Astatic — The Astatic was a French cyclecar manufactured from 1920 to 1922 by Automobiles Astatic, Saint Ouen, Seine, France.Built at Saint Ouen, the car was an attempt to market a vehicle with independent suspension all round. This was done by coupling… … Wikipedia
astatic — water bodies with fluctuating surface levels; seasonal astatic water bodies dry up annually, perennial ones rise and fall but do not dry up annually … Dictionary of ichthyology
astatic — Pertaining to astasia. * * * astat·ic ə stat ik adj of or relating to astasia <childhood astatic seizures> … Medical dictionary
astatic — a. unstable; in neutral equilibrium; Electricity, not tending to assume a definite position. ♦ astatic pair, pair of magnetized needles of opposite charges. ♦ astatics, n. study of equilibrium of body under known forces … Dictionary of difficult words
astatic — astatinis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. astatic vok. astatisch rus. астатический pranc. astatique … Automatikos terminų žodynas
astatic — adj. 1 not static; unstable or unsteady. 2 Physics not tending to keep one position or direction. Phrases and idioms: astatic galvanometer one in which the effect of the earth s magnetic field on the meter needle is greatly reduced. Etymology: Gk … Useful english dictionary
Astatic pair — Astatic A*stat ic, a. [Pref. a not + static.] (Magnetism) Having little or no tendency to take a fixed or definite position or direction: thus, a suspended magnetic needle, when rendered astatic, loses its polarity, or tendency to point in a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English