- mumpsimus
- [ʹmʌmpsıməs] n
нелепый обычай и т. п., от которого ни за что не хотят отказаться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mumpsimus — ist ein in der in der klassischen Philologie verbreiteter scherzhafter Ausdruck, der gebraucht wird, um einen in grotesker Weise konservativen Umgang mit überlieferten Texten oder in weiterem Sinn ein gedankenloses traditionsverhaftetes Beharren… … Deutsch Wikipedia
mumpsimus — /mump seuh meuhs/, n., pl. mumpsimuses for 2. 1. adherence to or persistence in an erroneous use of language, memorization, practice, belief, etc., out of habit or obstinacy (opposed to sumpsimus). 2. a person who persists in a mistaken… … Universalium
mumpsimus — noun a traditional notion that is obstinately held although it is unreasonable he still holds to the old mumpsimus that a woman s place is in the kitchen • Hypernyms: ↑notion … Useful english dictionary
mumpsimus — noun /ˈmʌmpsɪməs/ a) A person who obstinately adheres to old ways in spite of clear evidence that they are wrong; an ignorant and bigoted opponent of reform. b) An obvious error that is obstinately repeated despite correction … Wiktionary
mumpsimus — n. view obdurately held even when proven wrong; one who obdurately holds an erroneous belief; an inaccurate word or spelling which has become formally absorbed into a language through frequent usage … English contemporary dictionary
mumpsimus — mump·si·mus … English syllables
sumpsimus — /sump seuh meuhs/, n., pl. sumpsimuses for 2. 1. adherence to or persistence in using a strictly correct term, holding to a precise practice, etc., as a rejection of an erroneous but more common form (opposed to mumpsimus). 2. a person who is… … Universalium
Matt Peckham — Born October 29, 1972 (1972 10 29) (age 39) Madison, Wisconsin Occupation Blogger, Journalist, Columnist Nationality United States Genres Non fic … Wikipedia
Error — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Error >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 error error fallacy Sgm: N 1 misconception misconception misapprehension misstanding misunderstanding Sgm: N 1 inexactness inexactness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 laxity … English dictionary for students
sump|si|mus — «SUHMP suh muhs», noun. a correct expression for replacing an incorrect but popular one. ╂[< Latin sumpsimus (literally) we have taken. Compare etym. under mumpsimus. (Cf. ↑mumpsimus)] … Useful english dictionary
Thames Ditton — infobox UK place country = England latitude=51.39479 longitude= 0.34125 official name= Thames Ditton map type= Surrey population = 5,863 [ [http://neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/dissemination/LeadKeyFigures.do?a=7 b=5943027 c=Thames+Ditton d=14… … Wikipedia