- mumblingly
- [ʹmʌnıblıŋlı] adv
невнятно, бормоча
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mumblingly — Mumbling Mum bling, a. Low; indistinct; inarticulate. {Mum bling*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mumblingly — adverb With a mumbling sound … Wiktionary
mumblingly — mum·bling·ly … English syllables
mumblingly — adverb : in a mumbling manner * * * mumˈblingly adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑mumble … Useful english dictionary
Haddocks' Eyes — is a poem by Lewis Carroll from Through the Looking Glass. It is sung by the White Knight in chapter eight to the tune that he claims to be his own invention, but which Alice recognizes as I give thee all, I can no more . By the time Alice heard… … Wikipedia
mumble — mumbler, n. mumblingly, adv. /mum beuhl/, v., mumbled, mumbling, n. v.i. 1. to speak in a low indistinct manner, almost to an unintelligible extent; mutter. 2. to chew ineffectively, as from loss of teeth: to mumble on a crust. v.t. 3. to say or… … Universalium
mumble — verb 1》 say something indistinctly and quietly. 2》 bite or chew with toothless gums. noun a quiet and indistinct utterance. Derivatives mumbler noun mumbling adjective mumblingly adverb Origin ME: frequentative of mum2 … English new terms dictionary
charmers — Certain men and women were thought to have the gift of healing a specific disease or injury in humans or farm animals, for example *bleeding, *burns, *king s evil, * warts, or ringworm. For some, the gift was inborn, notably in the case of a… … A Dictionary of English folklore
mumble — [mum′bəl] vt., vi. mumbled, mumbling [ME momelen, like Ger mummeln, Du mommelen, of echoic orig.] 1. to speak or say indistinctly and in a low voice, as with the mouth partly closed; mutter 2. Rare to chew gently and ineffectively, as with… … English World dictionary
mumble — v. & n. v. 1 intr. & tr. speak or utter indistinctly. 2 tr. bite or chew with or as with toothless gums. n. an indistinct utterance. Derivatives: mumbler n. mumblingly adv. Etymology: ME momele, as MUM(2): cf. LG mummelen … Useful english dictionary