- multipronged
- [͵mʌltıʹprɒŋd] a
1) спец. имеющий много зубцов, зубьев и т. п.; многозубчатый2) многосторонний
a multipronged attack on the problem - комплексный подход к проблеме
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
a multipronged attack on the problem - комплексный подход к проблеме
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
multipronged — ˌ adjective Etymology: multi + pronged 1. : having several prongs multipronged fishing spears 2. : having several distinct aspects or elements a multipronged attack on the problem * * * /mul ti prawngd , prongd /, adj. 1. having or composed … Useful english dictionary
multipronged — adjective Date: 1957 1. having several prongs < multipronged fishing spears > 2. having several distinct aspects or elements < a multipronged attack on the problem > … New Collegiate Dictionary
multipronged — /mul ti prawngd , prongd /, adj. 1. having or composed of several prongs: a multipronged electric plug. 2. of, pertaining to, or made by several separate forces or elements or from several directions or points of view: a multipronged assault on… … Universalium
multipronged — adjective a) Having multiple prongs b) Having multiple elements or aspects … Wiktionary
multipronged — mul·ti·pronged … English syllables
Mutual Broadcasting System — Type Cooperative radio network (1934–52); corporate controlled radio network (1952–99) … Wikipedia
Sequent Computer Systems — Sequent Computer Systems, or Sequent, was a computer company that designed and manufactured multiprocessing computer systems. They were among the pioneers in high performance symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) open systems, innovating in both… … Wikipedia
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan — The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) was a militant Islamist group formed in 1998 by former Soviet paratrooper Juma Namangani, and the Islamic ideologue Tohir Yuldashev both ethnic Uzbeks from the Fergana Valley. Its objective was to… … Wikipedia
Urza — Planeswalker is a fictional character from the universe of , best known for his millennia long struggle with Yawgmoth and the plane of Phyrexia.Early yearsUrza was born on the first day of the year 0 AR to a noble family of Argive, one of the… … Wikipedia
Robert G. Roeder — (born June 3, 1942 in Boonville, Indiana, United States) is an American biologist. He is the recipient of the Gairdner Foundation International Award in 2000 and the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research in 2003. He currently serves as… … Wikipedia
Isogram — For the term in geography and cartography, see contour line. An isogram (also known as a nonpattern word ) is a logological term for a word or phrase without a repeating letter. It is also used by some to mean a word or phrase in which each… … Wikipedia