- multipolar
- [͵mʌltıʹpəʋlə] a эл.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
multipolar — MULTIPOLÁR, Ă, multipolari, e, adj. (Despre maşini electrice) Care are mai multe perechi de poli magnetici sau mai multe borne electrice de acces. – Din fr. multipolaire. Trimis de ana zecheru, 26.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 multipolár adj. m. polar … Dicționar Român
Multipolar — or multipolarity can refer to: Polarity in international relations Multipolar neuron See also: Tripolar This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
multipolar — que tiene más de dos polos o prolongaciones como las células nerviosas microfotografía [véase http://www.iqb.es/diccio/m/mu.htm#multipolar] Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … Diccionario médico
Multipolar — Mul ti*po lar, a. [Multi + polar.] 1. Having many poles; in Anat., designating specif. a nerve cell which has several dendrites. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. (Elec.) Having, or pertaining to, many poles, as a field magnet or armature of a dynamo, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
multipolar — multipolar. adj. Fís. Que tiene más de dos polos. || 2. Biol. Se dice de las neuronas con numerosas dendritas … Enciclopedia Universal
multipolar — (adj.) also multi polar, 1859, from MULTI (Cf. multi ) + POLAR (Cf. polar). Related: Multipolarity … Etymology dictionary
multipolar — adj. 2 g. [Física] Que tem mais de dois polos … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
multipolar — 1. adj. Fís. Que tiene más de dos polos. 2. Biol. Se dice de las neuronas con numerosas dendritas … Diccionario de la lengua española
multipolar — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
multipolar — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1859 1. having several poles < a multipolar generator > < multipolar mitoses > 2. having several dendrites < multipolar neurons > 3. characterized by more than two centers of power or … New Collegiate Dictionary
multipolar — Having more than two poles; denoting a nerve cell in which the branches project from several points. * * * mul·ti·po·lar .məl ti pō lər, .tī adj 1) having several poles <multipolar mitoses> 2) having several dendrites <multipolar nerve… … Medical dictionary