
[əʹsju:m] v
1. 1) принимать, брать (на себя)

to assume responsibility - взять на себя ответственность

to assume charge of a business - принять на себя ведение дел (фирмы)

to assume the command - воен. принимать командование

2) предпринимать

to assume measures - принять меры

to assume the offensive - воен. перейти в наступление

2. присваивать, узурпировать

to assume a right to oneself - присвоить себе право

he assumed the reins of government - он узурпировал власть

he assumed a new name - он принял псевдоним /вымышленное имя/

3. предполагать, допускать

let us assume that this is true - допустим, что это правда

to assume his innocence /him to be innocent, that he is innocent/ - исходить из предположения о его невиновности /что он не виновен/

he is not such a fool as you assumed him to be - он не такой дурак, каким вы его считаете

assuming her surmises are true ... - если исходить из того, что её предположения правильны ...

assuming it rains tomorrow what shall we do? - предположим /допустим/, завтра пойдёт дождь, что мы будем делать?

4. 1) притворяться, напускать на себя

to assume a look of innocence - принять невинный вид

to assume airs - напускать на себя важность, важничать

they assumed to have knowledge of the fact - они заявили, что (они) якобы знают об этом факте

2) важничать; вести себя высокомерно
5. принимать (определённый характер, форму)

to assume the original form - принять первоначальную форму

to assume new habits of life - изменить свои привычки

his illness assumed a grave character - его болезнь приняла серьёзный характер

the campaign assumed world-wide proportions - кампания приобрела мировые масштабы /охватила весь мир/

to assume a formation - воен. построиться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "assume" в других словарях:

  • assume — as·sume vt as·sumed, as·sum·ing 1: to voluntarily take upon oneself assume a risk 2: to take over (the debts or obligations of another) as one s own assume a mortgage Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …   Law dictionary

  • assume — UK US /əˈsjuːm/ verb [T] ► to begin to take control of something: assume control/office/a role »Europe has assumed a leadership role in the prevention of future global crises. assume responsibility for sth »The FSA said mortgages would not be… …   Financial and business terms

  • assume — assume, presume 1. Both words can mean ‘suppose’ and are often interchangeable in this meaning. Fowler (1926) maintained that there is a stronger element of postulation or hypothesis in assume and of a belief held on the basis of external… …   Modern English usage

  • assume — [ə so͞om′, əsyo͞om′] vt. assumed, assuming [ME assumen < L assumere, to take up, claim < ad , to + sumere, to take: see CONSUME] 1. to take on or put on (the appearance, form, role, etc. of) 2. to seize; usurp [to assume control] 3. to take …   English World dictionary

  • assume — 1 Assume, affect, pretend, simulate, feign, counterfeit, sham mean to put on a false or deceptive appearance. Assume often implies a pardonable motive rather than an intent to deceive {it sometimes happens that by assuming an air of cheerfulness… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • assume — [v1] believe, take for granted accept, ascertain, be afraid, be inclined to think, conclude, conjecture, consider, count upon, deduce, deem, divine, estimate, expect, fall for, fancy, find, gather, get the idea*, guess, have a hunch*, have… …   New thesaurus

  • Assume — As*sume , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assumed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Assuming}.] [L. assumere; ad + sumere to take; sub + emere to take, buy: cf. F. assumer. See {Redeem}.] 1. To take to or upon one s self; to take formally and demonstratively; sometimes,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • assume — (v.) early 15c., assumpten to receive up into heaven (especially of the Virgin Mary), also assumen to arrogate, from L. assumere to take up, take to oneself, from ad to, up (see AD (Cf. ad )) + sumere to take, from sub under + emere …   Etymology dictionary

  • Assume — As*sume , v. i. 1. To be arrogant or pretentious; to claim more than is due. Bp. Burnet. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) To undertake, as by a promise. Burrill. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • assume — an agreement to continue performing duties under a contract or lease (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms) An agreement between the debtor and the other party to an executory contract to continue performing duties under that contract. A lease is… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • assumé — assumé, ée (a su mé, mée) part. passé. La responsabilité assumée par cet employé …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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