
[məʋʹzærəbz] n pl ист.
испанские христиане, признавшие халифа и получившие право придерживаться своей веры

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mozarabs" в других словарях:

  • Mozarab — Page of Beato de Valladolid, representing the Apocalypse. X century. The Mozarabs (Spanish and Galician: mozárabes, IPA: [moˈθaɾaβes]; Portuguese: moçárabes, IPA:  …   Wikipedia

  • Mozarabic language — Mozarabic لتن לטן Latinus/Latino Spoken in Iberia Extinct by the Late Middle Ages Language family Indo Europ …   Wikipedia

  • Spain — /spayn/, n. a kingdom in SW Europe. Including the Balearic and Canary islands, 39,244,195; 194,988 sq. mi. (505,019 sq. km). Cap.: Madrid. Spanish, España. * * * Spain Introduction Spain Background: Spain s powerful world empire of the 16th and… …   Universalium

  • Mozarabic art and architecture — Mozarabic Art refers to art of Mozarabs (from musta rab meaning “Arabized”), Iberian Christians living in Al Andalus, the Muslim conquered territories in the period that comprises from the Arab invasion of the Iberian Peninsula (711) to the end… …   Wikipedia

  • Muladi — The Muladi (Spanish: muladí, IPA: [mulaˈði], pl. muladíes; Portuguese: muladi, IPA: [mulɐˈði], pl. muladis, Arabic: مولدون‎ trans. mūwallad, pl. mūwalladūn or mūwalladīn) were Muslims of ethnic Iberian descent or of mixed origin, Arab,… …   Wikipedia

  • Mozarabic art — Architecture and religious arts of the Mozarabs, Christians who lived in the Iberian Peninsula after the Arab invasion of 711. Exposure of the conquered Christians to Islamic culture and art forms proved influential, and their art became a… …   Universalium

  • Spain — • This name properly signifies the whole peninsula which forms the south western extremity of Europe. Since the political separation of Portugal, however, the name has gradually come to be restricted to the largest of the four political divisions …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mozarabic chant — (also known as Hispanic chant, Old Hispanic chant, Old Spanish chant, or Visigothic chant) is the liturgical plainchant repertory of the Mozarabic rite of the Roman Catholic Church, related to the Gregorian chant. It is primarily associated with… …   Wikipedia

  • Umar ibn Hafsun — Ruins of the Bobastro Church. Umar ibn Hafsun ibn Ja far ibn Salim (Arabic: عمر بن حَفْصُون بن جعفر بن سالم) (c. 850 – 917), known in Spanish history as Omar ben Hafsun, was a 9th century Christian leader of anti Ummayad dynasty forces in… …   Wikipedia

  • Al-Madjus — Der Ausdruck al Madschūs (arabisch ‏المجوس‎, DMG al maǧūs) bezeichnete ursprünglich Anhänger des Zoroastrismus[1], insbesondere Priester oder Mager bzw. „Magier“.[2] Er schloss aber auch die übrigen iranischen Religionen ein.[3] Das Wort… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Al-Madschus — Der Ausdruck al Madschūs (arabisch ‏المجوس‎, DMG al maǧūs) bezeichnete ursprünglich Anhänger des Zoroastrismus[1], insbesondere Priester oder Mager bzw. „Magier“.[2] Er schloss aber auch die übrigen iranischen Religionen ein.[3] Das Wort… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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