
1. [əʹsıst] n
1. амер. разг. помощь

she finished her homework without an assist from her father - она доделала уроки без помощи отца

2. тех. вспомогательный механизм
3. спорт. результативная передача
2. [əʹsıst] v
1. помогать, содействовать

to assist smb. with smth. /in doing smth., to do smth./ - помочь кому-л. в чём-л. /чем-л. или сделать что-л./

to assist smb. with the form-filling, to assist smb. to fill in the form - помочь кому-л. заполнить бланк

to assist smb. with money - помочь кому-л. деньгами

the father assisted his son with his mathematics - отец помогал сыну в математике

good glasses will assist you to read - в хороших очках вам будет легче читать

2. (into, up, across) помогать, поддерживая

to assist an old lady into the bus - подсадить старую даму в автобус

to assist a lame man up the stars - помочь хромому подняться по лестнице

to assist a blind man across the street - перевести слепого через улицу

3. (in) принимать участие; ассистировать

to assist in the work - принимать участие в работе

4. ирон. только присутствовать (и ничего не делать)

he assisted at the ceremony - он присутствовал на церемонии, только и всего

to assist in the French sense - присутствовать, не принимая участия

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "assist" в других словарях:

  • Assist — or ASSIST may refer to:In sport: *Action by a player leading to a score by another player: **Assist (basketball) **Assist (ice hockey) **Assist (football) (soccer) **Assist (water polo) *Assist (baseball) is awarded to every defensive player who… …   Wikipedia

  • assist — UK US /əˈsɪst/ verb ► [I or T] to help somebody or help with something: assist (sb) with sth »The coordinator will assist the director with all aspects of event planning. assist (sb) in doing sth »The prospectus provides detailed information that …   Financial and business terms

  • assist — I verb abet, accommodate, act as assistant to, administer to, afford aid, aid, auxiliari, back, be of help, be of use, come to the aid of, cooperate with, do a service, endorse, foster, furnish aid, further, give a hand, give aid, give support,… …   Law dictionary

  • assist — has the same meaning as help, and shares the same grammatical constructions. In many contexts the two words are interchangeable, but help is usually preferable, assist being, in Fowler s term (1926), a ‘genteelism’ to be avoided. However, assist… …   Modern English usage

  • Assist — As*sist , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assisted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Assisting}.] [L. assistere; ad + sistere to cause to stand, to stand, from stare to stand: cf. F. assister. See {Stand}.] To give support to in some undertaking or effort, or in time of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Assist — As*sist , v. i. 1. To lend aid; to help. [1913 Webster] With God not parted from him, as was feared, But favoring and assisting to the end. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To be present as a spectator; as, to assist at a public meeting. [A Gallicism]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • assist — /ˈassist, ingl. əˈsɪst/ [lett. «assistere»] s. m. inv. passaggio da gol …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • assist — [n] help abetment, aid, assistance, backing, benefit, boost, collaboration, comfort, compensation, cooperation, facilitation, furtherance, hand, helping hand, lift, reinforcement, relief, service, support; concept 110 Ant. hindrance, hurt, stop,… …   New thesaurus

  • assist — [ə sist′] vt. [ME assisten < OFr assister < L assistere < ad , to + sistere, to make stand < stare, to STAND] 1. to give help to; aid 2. to work with as a helper or assistant vi. to give help; aid n. 1. an instance or act of helping …   English World dictionary

  • assist — {{hw}}{{assist}}{{/hw}}(sport) Nel basket e nel calcio, ultimo passaggio che dà, a chi lo riceve, buone possibilità di segnare …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • assist — *help, aid Analogous words: *support, uphold, back, champion: profit, avail, *benefit: attend, *accompany, escort: cooperate, concur (see UNITE) Antonyms: hamper: impede Contrasted words: * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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