Смотреть что такое "assertative" в других словарях:
assertative — index declaratory Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
assertative — as·sert·a·tive … English syllables
assertative — d.əd.iv, tətiv adjective Etymology: by alteration : assertive … Useful english dictionary
Unrestricted submarine warfare — is a type of naval warfare in which submarines sink merchant ships without warning, as opposed to attacks per prize regulations. While providing the submarine with strongly increased lethality and greater chances of survival against its hunters,… … Wikipedia
declaratory — de·clar·a·to·ry /di klar ə ˌtōr ē/ adj: serving to declare, set forth, or explain: as a: declaring what is the existing law b: declaring a legal right or interpretation declaratory relief see also declaratory judgment … Law dictionary
absolute — Synonyms and related words: OK, absolutist, absolutistic, abstract, accurate, actual, adducible, admissible, admitting no exception, admitting no question, affirmative, affirmatory, all right, all embracing, all encompassing, all out, all… … Moby Thesaurus
affirmative — Synonyms and related words: OK, absolute, acceptance, accord, accordant, acquiescence, acquiescent, affirmation, affirmative attitude, affirmative voice, affirmativeness, affirmatory, agree, agreeable, agreeing, agreement, amen, answerable,… … Moby Thesaurus
assertive — Synonyms and related words: absolute, affirmative, affirmatory, aggressive, assertative, assertional, bold, bossy, certain, confident, decided, declarative, declaratory, definite, doctrinaire, dogmatic, domineering, emphatic, firm, insistent,… … Moby Thesaurus
decided — Synonyms and related words: SOL, absolute, accented, accentuated, adamant, admitting no exception, affirmative, affirmatory, all bets off, all off, all over, all up, all out, arrant, arrogant, ascertained, assertative, assertional, assertive,… … Moby Thesaurus
declarative — Synonyms and related words: absolute, affirmative, affirmatory, annunciatory, assertative, assertional, assertive, decided, declaratory, emphatic, enunciative, heraldic, positive, predicational, predicative, proclamatory, promulgatory,… … Moby Thesaurus
emphatic — Synonyms and related words: absolute, accented, accentuated, affirmative, affirmatory, aggressive, ardent, assertative, assertional, assertive, burning, categorical, certain, decided, declarative, declaratory, definite, definitive, determined,… … Moby Thesaurus