- moonwalk
- [ʹmu:nwɔ:k] n косм.
выход человека на поверхность Луны, «лунная прогулка»
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
moonwalk — n. 1. a kind of dance step in which the dancer seems to be sliding backward on the spot; as, Michael Jackson perfected the moonwalk in the 1980s. [WordNet 1.5] 2. an exploratory walk by an astronaut on the surface of Earth s moon. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Moonwalk — hace referencia a: Moonwalk (baile), paso de baile hecho famoso por el cantante Michael Jackson; Moonwalk (libro), libro autobiográfico escrito por Michael Jackson (ISBN: 0749313382). Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados… … Wikipedia Español
moonwalk — (n.) a walking on the moon, 1966, from MOON (Cf. moon) (n.) + WALK (Cf. walk) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
moonwalk — ☆ moonwalk [mo͞on′wôk΄ ] n. a walking about by an astronaut on the surface of the moon … English World dictionary
Moonwalk — Un danseur de rue exécutant le moonwalk à Madrid. Le moonwalk (de l anglais « Moon », qui désigne la Lune, et « walk … Wikipédia en Français
Moonwalk — A moonwalk is an excursion on the Moon (see List of spacewalks and moonwalks). It may also refer to: Moonwalk, a drink invented for the first walk on the Moon in 1969 Moonwalk, an Estonian record label Moonwalk (book), Michael Jackson s 1988… … Wikipedia
Moonwalk — Ein Moonwalker in Madrid Der Moonwalk (engl. „Mondgang“) ist ein Tanzschritt, bei dem die Beinbewegungen Vorwärtslaufen vortäuschen, während sich die ausführende Person tatsächlich rückwärts bewegt. Soweit rekonstruierbar, liegen die Wurzeln des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
moonwalk — intransitive verb Date: 1984 to dance by gliding backwards while appearing to make forward walking motions • moonwalk noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
moonwalk — /ˈmunwɔk/ (say moohnwawk) noun 1. a walk on the surface of the moon by an astronaut. 2. a dance move in which the dancer raises one foot to the toe while gliding the other foot backwards, the move being shifted from one foot to the other in… …
moonwalk — noun 1. a kind of dance step in which the dancer seems to be sliding on the spot Michael Jackson perfected the moonwalk in the 1980s • Hypernyms: ↑dance step, ↑step 2. an exploratory walk by an astronaut on the surface of the moon • Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary
Moonwalk One — 2007 release cover Directed by Theo Kamecke Produced by Francis Thompson Inc. Peretz W … Wikipedia