- assembly room
- [əʹsemblı͵ru(:)m]
1. зал для приёмов, собраний, балов и т. п.2. сборочный цех
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
assembly room — noun 1. A public ballroom or room for entertainments or formal gatherings 2. An assembly shop • • • Main Entry: ↑assemble * * * assembly room, British, Archaic. a ballroom. * * * asˈsembly room 7 [assembly room] … Useful english dictionary
Assembly room — Assembly As*sem bly, n.; pl. {Assemblies}. [F. assembl[ e]e, fr. assembler. See {Assemble}.] 1. A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
assembly room — surinkimo patalpa statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. assembly room vok. Montageraum, m rus. помещение для сборки, n pranc. salle d assemblage, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
assembly room — meeting room, conference hall … English contemporary dictionary
Assembly — As*sem bly, n.; pl. {Assemblies}. [F. assembl[ e]e, fr. assembler. See {Assemble}.] 1. A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for social… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
assembly — n. (pl. ies) 1 the act or an instance of assembling or gathering together. 2 a a group of persons gathered together, esp. as a deliberative body or a legislative council. b a gathering of the entire members of a school. 3 the assembling of a… … Useful english dictionary
Assembly Rooms de Bath — L une des Assembly Rooms de Bath. Les Assembly Rooms de Bath, conçues par John Wood le Jeune en 1769, sont un élégant ensemble de « salles des fêtes » situé au cœur de la partie historique de Bath, dans le Somerset, en Angleterre, et… … Wikipédia en Français
Assembly rooms — In Great Britain and Ireland, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, assembly rooms were gathering places for members of the higher social classes open to members of both sexes. At that time most entertaining was done at home and there were… … Wikipedia
Unlawful assembly — Assembly As*sem bly, n.; pl. {Assemblies}. [F. assembl[ e]e, fr. assembler. See {Assemble}.] 1. A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Westminster Assembly — Assembly As*sem bly, n.; pl. {Assemblies}. [F. assembl[ e]e, fr. assembler. See {Assemble}.] 1. A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp. for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
assembly — noun 1 elected group ADJECTIVE ▪ elected, representative ▪ constitutional, consultative, general, legislative ▪ local, national … Collocations dictionary