- monophony
- [məʹnɒf(ə)nı] n муз.
монофония, одноголосие
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
monophony — [mə näf′ə nē] n. [ MONO + PHONY] 1. music having a single melody without accompaniment or harmonizing parts, as in plainsong 2. MONODY … English World dictionary
Monophony — This article is about the musical texture. For the feature of synthesizers, see Monosynth. Pop Goes the Weasel melody[1] … Wikipedia
monophony — /meuh nof euh nee/, n., pl. monophonies. 1. a musical style employing a single melodic line without accompaniment. 2. monody (def. 3a). [1885 90; MONO + PHONY] * * * Music consisting of a single unaccompanied melodic line. The concept often also… … Universalium
monophony — monofonija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. monophony vok. Monophonie, f rus. монофония, f pranc. monophonie, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
monophony — noun Date: circa 1890 monophonic music … New Collegiate Dictionary
Monophony — (adj. Monophonic) A musical texture of a single voice, one pitch at a time. By definition, all such music is unharmonized. Men and women or boys singing in octaves is usually considered monophonic. See also Chant; Counterpoint; Homophony;… … Historical dictionary of sacred music
monophony — mo·noph·o·ny … English syllables
monophony — mo•noph•o•ny [[t]məˈnɒf ə ni[/t]] n. pl. nies mad a musical style employing a single melodic line without accompaniment • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
monophony — /məˈnɒfəni/ (say muh nofuhnee) noun a musical style consisting of a single line of melody without accompaniment. {mono + phony} …
monophony — noun music consisting of a single vocal part (usually with accompaniment) • Syn: ↑monophonic music, ↑monody • Ant: ↑polyphonic music (for: ↑monophonic music), ↑polyphony … Useful english dictionary
Native American music — American Indian music is the music that is used, created or performed by Native North Americans, specifically traditional tribal music. In addition to the traditional music of the Native American groups, there now exist pan tribal and inter… … Wikipedia