- monkeysuit
1> _ам. _разг. фрак; форменная одежда; мундир
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
The Venture Bros. — Infobox television show name = The Venture Bros. caption = Dr. Thaddeus Rusty Venture, Brock Samson, Hank and Dean Venture. format = Action comedy picture format = 4:3 SDTV Seasons 1 and 2 16:9 HDTV Seasons 3+ runtime = 22 minutes creator =… … Wikipedia
Ignatz Awards — The Ignatz Awards are intended to recognize outstanding achievements in comics and cartooning by small press creators or creator owned projects published by larger publishers. They have been awarded each year since 1997, but skipped a year in… … Wikipedia
Christopher McCulloch — at the San Diego Comic Con International in July 2011. Born September 14, 1971 (1971 09 14) (age 40) … Wikipedia
Los hermanos Venture — Este artículo o sección se encuentra desactualizado. Es posible que la información suministrada aquí haya cambiado o sea insuficiente. The Venture Bros Género Acción / Comedia … Wikipedia Español