- monitory
- 1. [ʹmɒnıt(ə)rı] n церк.
увещевательное послание (тж. monitory letter)2. [ʹmɒnıt(ə)rı] aпредостерегающий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Monitory — Mon i*to*ry, a. [L. monitorius.] Giving admonition; instructing by way of caution; warning. [1913 Webster] Losses, miscarriages, and disappointments, are monitory and instructive. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Monitory — may refer to: Monition Monitory Democracy This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the inten … Wikipedia
monitory — [män′i tôr΄ē] adj. [LME manyterye < L monitorius < monitor: see MONITOR] giving or containing monition; admonishing n. pl. monitories a monitory writing … English World dictionary
Monitory — Mon i*to*ry, n. Admonition; warning; especially, a monition proceeding from an ecclesiastical court, but not addressed to any one person. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monitory — index informatory, ominous, portentous (ominous), presageful, prophetic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
monitory — (adj.) late 15c., from L. monitorius admonishing, from monitus, pp. of monere (see MONITOR (Cf. monitor) (n.)) … Etymology dictionary
monitory — /mon i tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj., n., pl. monitories. adj. 1. serving to admonish or warn; admonitory. 2. giving monition. n. 3. Also called monitory letter. a letter, as one from a bishop, containing a monition. [1400 50; late ME < L monitorius… … Universalium
monitory — /ˈmɒnətəri/ (say monuhtuhree), / tri/ (say tree) adjective 1. serving to admonish or warn; admonitory. 2. giving monition. –noun (plural monitories) Also, monitory letter. 3. a letter, as one from a bishop, containing a monition. {late Middle… …
monitory letter — monitory letter, a monitory; letter containing admonition, sent by the Pope or a bishop … Useful english dictionary
Monitory Democracy — The term monitory democracy is introduced in John Keane’s The Life and Death of Democracy (2009)[1]. It claims that from around 1945 democracy entered a new historical phase[2]. In the age of ‘monitory democracy’, the language and ideals and… … Wikipedia
monitory — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin monitorius, from monēre Date: 15th century giving admonition ; warning II. noun (plural ries) Date: 15th century a letter containing an admonition or warning … New Collegiate Dictionary