- assart
- 1. [əʹsɑ:t] n
1. выкорчёвывание деревьев и кустарника; расчистка леса под пашню2. участок леса, расчищенный под пашню2. [əʹsɑ:t] vвыкорчёвывать деревья, расчищать лес под пашню
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Assart — As*sart , v. t. To grub up, as trees; to commit an assart upon; as, to assart land or trees. Ashmole. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Assart — As*sart ([a^]s*s[aum]rt ), n. [OF. essart the grubbing up of trees, fr. essarter to grub up or clear ground of bushes, shrubs, trees, etc., fr. LL. exartum, exartare, for exsaritare; L. ex + sarire, sarrire, saritum, to hoe, weed.] 1. (Old Law)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Assart — To turn woodlands into pasture or cropland. To assart lands within a forest with out license is a grave offence. 1) Land cleared for use in arable farming. (Bennett, Judith M. Women in the Medieval English Countryside, 233) 2) Tract of wasteland… … Medieval glossary
Assart — The grubbing up of trees and scrub, thus the turning of waste and woodland into cropland or pasture. Such land was also known as terra nova = new land. It was a serious offence to assart lands within a forest without a licence, forests being… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
assart — /asart/ In English law, the offense committed in the forest, by pulling up the trees by the roots that are thickets and coverts for deer, and making the ground plain as arable land. It differs from waste, in that waste is the cutting down of… … Black's law dictionary
assart — /asart/ In English law, the offense committed in the forest, by pulling up the trees by the roots that are thickets and coverts for deer, and making the ground plain as arable land. It differs from waste, in that waste is the cutting down of… … Black's law dictionary
Assart land — Assart As*sart ([a^]s*s[aum]rt ), n. [OF. essart the grubbing up of trees, fr. essarter to grub up or clear ground of bushes, shrubs, trees, etc., fr. LL. exartum, exartare, for exsaritare; L. ex + sarire, sarrire, saritum, to hoe, weed.] 1. (Old … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
assart Brit. — assart Brit. [ə sα:t] historical noun a piece of land converted from forest to arable use. verb convert to arable use. Origin ME: from OFr. essarter, from med. L. ex(s)artare, based on ex out + sar(r)ire to weed … English new terms dictionary
assart — 1. noun Forest land cleared for agriculture. 2. verb To clear forest land for agriculture; remove stumps … Wiktionary
assart — as·sart … English syllables
assart — v.t. Law, make arable by clearing trees, etc.; n. land so treated; action of assarting … Dictionary of difficult words