
[ʹməʋmənt(ə)rılı] adv
1. на мгновение

I was momentarily distracted - я на мгновение /на минуту/ отвлёкся

he was so surprised that he was momentarily unable to speak - он был так удивлён, что на какой-то миг потерял дар речи

2. мгновенно, немедленно, тотчас же

he momentarily recovered - он мгновенно пришёл в себя

3. ежеминутно, каждую минуту
4. вскоре, через несколько минут

I'll be there momentarily - я тотчас же буду там

5. амер. в настоящий, данный момент

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "momentarily" в других словарях:

  • momentarily — means ‘for a moment, briefly’ in BrE: • Ever the professional, Miss Turton flinched only momentarily and carried on with her report Daily Mail, 2007. In AmE it has this meaning and also the meaning ‘at any moment, imminently’: • Miss Loren had… …   Modern English usage

  • Momentarily — Mo men*ta*ri*ly, adv. 1. Every moment; from moment to moment. Shenstone. [1913 Webster] 2. In a moment; in the immediate future. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • momentarily — index pro tempore Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • momentarily — (adv.) 1650s, for a moment, from MOMENTARY (Cf. momentary) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). Meaning at any moment is from 1928 …   Etymology dictionary

  • momentarily — [adv] for a short time briefly, for a little while, for a minute, for a moment, for an instant, for a second, for a short time, for a short while, immediately, instantly, now, right now, temporarily; concept 820 Ant. lengthily, permanently …   New thesaurus

  • momentarily — ► ADVERB 1) for a very short time. 2) N. Amer. very soon …   English terms dictionary

  • momentarily — [mō΄mən ter′ə lē] adv. 1. for a moment or short time 2. in an instant 3. from moment to moment; at any moment …   English World dictionary

  • momentarily — /ˈmoʊməntrəli / (say mohmuhntruhlee), Chiefly US /moʊmənˈtɛrəli / (say mohmuhn teruhlee) adverb 1. for a moment: to hesitate momentarily. 2. every moment; from moment to moment: danger momentarily increasing. 3. at any moment: momentarily liable… …  

  • momentarily — [[t]mo͟ʊmənte͟ərɪli[/t]] 1) ADV: usu ADV with v Momentarily means for a short time. [mainly BRIT or, WRITTEN] She paused momentarily when she saw them. Syn: briefly 2) ADV: usu ADV after v Momentarily means very soon. [AM] The younger hunters… …   English dictionary

  • momentarily — mo|men|tar|i|ly [ˈməuməntərıli US ˌmoumənˈterıli] adv 1.) for a very short time = ↑briefly ▪ She was momentarily lost for words. ▪ Jimmy paused momentarily. 2.) AmE very soon ▪ Mr Johnson will be with you momentarily …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Momentarily — As you come into land at an American airport and the announcement says that you will be landing momentarily, look around to see if anyone is sniggering. That will be the Brits! I never did figure out why they say this. Momentarily to us means… …   The American's guide to speaking British

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