- molasses
- [məʹlæsız] n
меласса, чёрная патока
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Molasses — Mo*las ses, n. [F. m[ e]lasse, cf. Sp. melaza, Pg. mela[,c]o, fr. L. mellaceus honeylike, honey sweet, mel, mellis, honey. See {Mellifluous}, and cf. {Melasses}.] The thick, brown or dark colored, viscid, uncrystallizable sirup which drains from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
molasses — (n.) 1580s, from Port. melaço, from L.L. mellaceum new wine, properly neuter of mellaceus resembling honey, from L. mel (gen. mellis) honey (see MELISSA (Cf. Melissa)). Adopted in English in plural form, but regarded as a singular noun … Etymology dictionary
molasses — ► NOUN 1) a thick, dark brown liquid obtained from raw sugar during the refining process. 2) N. Amer. golden syrup. ORIGIN from Latin mellacium must , from mel honey … English terms dictionary
molasses — [mə las′iz] n. [< Port melaço < LL mellaceum, must < L mellaceus, resembling honey < mel, honey: see MILDEW] a thick, usually dark brown syrup produced during the refining of sugar, or from sorghum, etc … English World dictionary
Molasses — Not to be confused with molasse. Thick blackstrap molasses slowly pours from an overfilled spoon to a dish below. Molasses is a viscous by product of the processing of sugar cane, grapes or sugar beets into sugar. The word molasses comes from the … Wikipedia
molasses — /meuh las iz/, n. a thick syrup produced during the refining of sugar or from sorghum, varying from light to dark brown in color. [1575 85; earlier molassos, molasso(e)s < Pg melaços, pl. of MELAÇO ( < LL mellacium half boiled new wine, for… … Universalium
molasses — noun Etymology: modification of Portuguese melaço, from Late Latin mellaceum grape juice, from Latin mell , mel honey more at mellifluous Date: 1582 1. the thick dark to light brown syrup that is separated from raw sugar in sugar manufacture 2. a … New Collegiate Dictionary
molasses — [16] The etymological connections of molasses are with ‘honey’ rather than ‘sugar’. It comes via Portuguese melaço from late Latin mellāceum ‘fermenting grape juice, new wine’. This was a derivative of mel ‘honey’, source of English mellifluous… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
molasses — [[t]məlæ̱sɪz[/t]] N UNCOUNT Molasses is a thick, dark brown syrup which is produced when sugar is processed. It is used in cooking … English dictionary
molasses n — There was a mamma mole, a papa mole, and a baby mole. They lived in a hole outside of a farm house out in the country. The papa mole reached his head out of the hole and said, Mmmmm, I smell sausage. The mama mole reached her head outside of the… … English expressions
molasses — melasa statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Sirupas, liekantis iškristalizavus cukrinių runkelių cukrų. atitikmenys: angl. molasses rus. меласса; свекловичная патока … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas