- mog moggy
mog, moggy
1> _ласк. кошечка, киска
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Moggy — moggie or moggies , can also be nicknames for the Common Moorhen. the Morris Minor car, any car made by the Morgan Motor Company and for the drug Mogadon (Nitrazepam). Moggy or moggie (plural moggies) is a British affectionate term for a domesti … Wikipedia
moggy — /mog ee/, n., pl. moggies. Brit. Informal. a cat. Also, mog. [1815 25; said to be orig. Cockney; supposed derivations from dial. (W Midlands) Moggy pet name for a calf, or from personal name MAGGIE, are dubious] * * * … Universalium
moggy — mog|gy moggie [ˈmɔgi US ˈma:gi, ˈmo:gi] n plural moggies BrE informal a cat … Dictionary of contemporary English
moggy — mog·gy … English syllables
mog·gie — ↑moggy … Useful english dictionary
mog — mog1 /mog/, v., mogged, mogging. Dial. v.i. 1. to move on, depart, or decamp (usually fol. by off or on). 2. to walk or move along gently, slowly, and steadily. v.t. 3. to cause to go from one place to another. [1665 75; M(OVE) + (J)OG1] mog … Universalium
moggy — also moggie noun (plural moggies) Etymology: probably from Moggy, from Mog, nickname from the name Margaret Date: circa 1911 British cat … New Collegiate Dictionary
mog — n British a cat. Moggy was originally a term of endearment or familiarity for any ani mal. In northern English dialect it was used to designate e.g. a mouse, calf or cat. The exact etymology of the word is uncertain; it may be from the Norse magi … Contemporary slang
mog — n. (British slang) cat, moggy, pussycat v. move away; wander off, go off; jog … English contemporary dictionary
moggy — /ˈmɒgi/ (say mogee) noun Colloquial a cat. Also, mog, moggie. {20th century; ? variant of name Maggie} …
List of fictional cats — A list of cats and other felines found in popular works of fiction. Legends, myths, folklore and fairytales* Bast (or Bastet), Egyptian goddess with the head of a cat; see also Sekhmet, Bast s guise as the goddess of felines * Maahes Egyptian… … Wikipedia