
[ʹmɒdjʋlaı] редк. pl от modulus

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "moduli" в других словарях:

  • Moduli — may refer to:* Moduli (physics), scalar fields for which the potential energy function has continuous families of global minima * Moduli space, in mathematics a geometric space whose points represent algebro geometric objectsee also* Module *… …   Wikipedia

  • Moduli — Modulus Mod u*lus, n.; pl. {Moduli}. [L., a small measure. See {Module}, n.] (Math., Mech., & Physics) A quantity or coefficient, or constant, which expresses the measure of some specified force, property, or quality, as of elasticity, strength,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Moduli space — In algebraic geometry, a moduli space is a geometric space (usually a scheme or an algebraic stack) whose points represent algebro geometric objects of some fixed kind, or isomorphism classes of such objects. Such spaces frequently arise as… …   Wikipedia

  • Moduli of algebraic curves — In algebraic geometry, a moduli space of (algebraic) curves is a geometric space (typically a scheme or an algebraic stack) whose points represent isomorphism classes of algebraic curves. It is thus a special case of a moduli space. Depending on… …   Wikipedia

  • Moduli (physics) — In quantum field theory, the term moduli (or more properly moduli fields) is sometimes used to refer to scalar fields whose potential energy function has continuous families of global minima. Such potential functions frequently occur in… …   Wikipedia

  • Moduli scheme — In mathematics, a moduli scheme is a moduli space that exists in the category of schemes developed by Alexander Grothendieck. Some important moduli problems of algebraic geometry can be satisfactorily solved by means of scheme theory alone, while …   Wikipedia

  • moduli — mod·u·lus || mÉ‘dÊ’É™lÉ™s / mÉ’djul n. (Mathematics) number by which one can multiply logarithms of one system to obtain the logarithms of another system; number by which two quantities can be divided to yield the same remainder …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Formal moduli — In mathematics, formal moduli are an aspect of the theory of moduli spaces (of algebraic varieties or vector bundles, for example), closely linked to deformation theory and formal geometry. Roughly speaking, deformation theory can provide the… …   Wikipedia

  • Modulus of continuity — In mathematical analysis, a modulus of continuity is a function used to measure quantitatively the uniform continuity of functions. So, a function admits ω as a modulus of continuity if and only if for all x and y in the domain of f. Since moduli …   Wikipedia

  • Michael Atiyah — Sir Michael Atiyah Born 22 April 1929 (1929 04 22) (age 82) …   Wikipedia

  • Geometric invariant theory — In mathematics Geometric invariant theory (or GIT) is a method for constructing quotients by group actions in algebraic geometry, used to construct moduli spaces. It was developed by David Mumford in 1965, using ideas from the paper… …   Wikipedia

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