- asphyxiant
- 1. [æsʹfıksıənt] n
удушающее, отравляющее вещество2. [æsʹfıksıənt] aудушающий
asphyxiant gas - удушающий газ
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
asphyxiant gas - удушающий газ
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
asphyxiant — asphyxiant, iante [ asfiksjɑ̃, jɑ̃t ] adj. • 1846; de asphyxier 1 ♦ Qui cause l asphyxie. Fumée asphyxiante. ⇒ délétère, suffocant. Gaz asphyxiant : arme chimique (employé pour la première fois pendant la guerre de 1914 1918). ♢ Par ext. Qui gêne … Encyclopédie Universelle
asphyxiant — [as fik′sē ənt] adj. causing or tending to cause asphyxia n. an asphyxiant substance or condition … English World dictionary
asphyxiant — asphyxiant, ante (a sfi ksi an, an t ) adj. Qui asphyxie. Odeur asphyxiante … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
asphyxiant — asphyxia ► NOUN ▪ a condition caused by the body being deprived of oxygen, leading to unconsciousness or death. DERIVATIVES asphyxiant adjective & noun. ORIGIN Greek asphuxia, from a without + sphuxis pulse … English terms dictionary
Asphyxiant gas — dablink|For main article see Asphyxia. An asphyxiant gas is a non toxic or minimally toxic gas which dilutes or displaces the oxygen containing atmosphere, leading to death by asphyxiation if breathed long enough. Toxic gases in large enough… … Wikipedia
ASPHYXIANT, ANTE — adj. Qui produit l’asphyxie. Odeur asphyxiante. Gaz asphyxiant … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
asphyxiant — /as fik see euhnt/, adj. 1. asphyxiating or tending to asphyxiate. n. 2. an asphyxiating agent or substance. 3. an asphyxiating condition. [1850 55; ASPHYXI(ATE) + ANT] * * * … Universalium
asphyxiant — 1. adjective That can cause asphyxiation 2. noun Any substance that can cause asphyxia … Wiktionary
asphyxiant — 1. Producing asphyxia. SYN: asphyxiating. 2. Anything, especially a gas, that produces asphyxia. * * * as·phyx·i·ant sē ənt n an agent (as a gas) capable of causing asphyxia * * * as·phyx·i·ant (as fikґse ənt) a substance capable of… … Medical dictionary
asphyxiant — as·phyx·i·ant || É™s fɪksɪənt n. substance which causes asphyxia, something which suffocates … English contemporary dictionary
asphyxiant — as·phyx·i·ant … English syllables