
[mıt] n (сокр. от mitten)
1. митенка
2. = mitten 1
3. 1) рукавица (игрока в бейсболе)
2) разг. pl боксёрские перчатки
4. амер. разг. рука; кулак

frozen mitt - холодный приём

to hand smb. the frozen mitt - оказать кому-л. холодный приём

mitt flopper - выслуживающийся солдат, старательно отдающий честь

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mitt" в других словарях:

  • Mitt — can refer to: a woman s glove that extends over the hand but does not cover the fingers mitten, glove that does not have separate fingers one of two types of baseball glove worn by a catcher or first baseman abbreviation for Military transition… …   Wikipedia

  • Mitt — Mitt, n. [Abbrev. fr. mitten.] 1. A mitten; also, a covering for the wrist and hand and not for the fingers, usually worn by women. [1913 Webster] 2. (Baseball) A large glove, usually made of leather or similar material, with differing degrees of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mitt — [mit] n. [contr. < MITTEN] 1. a woman s glove, often of lace or net, covering part of the arm, the hand, and sometimes part of the fingers 2. MITTEN 3. a padded glove or mitten for a specified use [dusting mitt ] ☆ 4. Slang a hand …   English World dictionary

  • mitt — [mıt] n [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: mitten] 1.) a type of ↑glove that does not have separate parts for each finger = ↑mitten ▪ ski mitts ▪ an oven mitt (=a thick glove used to protect your hand when you hold hot pans) 2.) a type of leather ↑glove …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mitt — [ mıt ] noun count 1. ) a thick mitten that you wear on your hands to protect them: an oven mitt a ) in baseball, a type of GLOVE that you use for catching the ball 2. ) INFORMAL a hand: Keep your dirty mitts off my jacket …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mitt — (n.) 1765, shortened form of MITTEN (Cf. mitten) (q.v.). Baseball sense is from 1902. Slang sense of hand is from 1896 …   Etymology dictionary

  • mitt — ► NOUN 1) a mitten. 2) a fingerless glove. 3) informal a person s hand …   English terms dictionary

  • mitt — n. glove 1) an oven mitt 2) (baseball) a catcher s; first baseman s mitt * * * [mɪt] first baseman s mitt (baseball) a catcher s [ glove ] an oven mitt …   Combinatory dictionary

  • mitt — UK [mɪt] / US noun [countable] Word forms mitt : singular mitt plural mitts 1) a) a thick mitten that you wear on your hands to protect them an oven mitt b) in baseball, a type of glove that you use for catching the ball 2) informal a hand Keep… …   English dictionary

  • mitt — 1. noun /mɪt/ a) A mitten b) An oversized, protective glove such as an oven mitt or a baseball mitt See Also: mitten 2. adverb /mɪt/ a) m …   Wiktionary

  • mitt — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. glove, baseball glove, catcher s mitt, first baseman s mitt; see glove …   English dictionary for students

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