
[ʹmıstrıs] n
1. 1) хозяйка (дома), госпожа

speak to the mistress - поговорите с хозяйкой

she was no longer mistress in her own house - она уже не была хозяйкой в собственном доме

to be mistress of the situation - быть хозяйкой положения

to be mistress of oneself - владеть собой

you are your own mistress - вы сами себе госпожа /хозяйка/

2) повелительница, владычица

Mistress of the sea(s) - ист. владычица морей, главная морская держава, Великобритания

Mistress of the Adriatic - ист. Венеция

2. уст. госпожа
3. мастерица, искусница

a mistress of needlework - мастерица шить, вышивать

4. учительница

history [French, music] mistress - учительница истории [французского языка, музыки]

5. 1) любовница

kept mistress - содержанка

2) поэт. возлюбленная

he addressed many poems to his mistress - он посвятил своей возлюбленной много стихов

6. горн. шахтёрская лампочка

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mistress" в других словарях:

  • Mistress — may refer to: Mistress (lover), a woman, other than the spouse, with whom a married individual has a continuing sexual relationship Schoolmistress, or female school teacher (also called a schoolmarm ). The term is now obsolete in the UK; see… …   Wikipedia

  • mistress — ⇒MISTRESS, subst. fém. A. [Dans les pays anglo saxons ou d expression anglaise ou anglo américaine, précédant immédiatement le nom de famille, équivalent du français «Madame» (v. ce mot A 2) sauf pour les épouses des pairs britanniques, v. Lady]… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Mistress — Mis tress, n. [OE. maistress, OF. maistresse, F. ma[^i]tresse, LL. magistrissa, for L. magistra, fem. of magister. See {Master}, {Mister}, and cf. {Miss} a young woman.] 1. A woman having power, authority, or ownership; a woman who exercises… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mistress — se puede referir a: Mistress, un grupo de música originario de Birmingham, Inglaterra. Mistress, película de 1992, conocida en español como Gente de Sunset Boulevard. Mistress, telefilme de 1987. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • mistress — MÍSTRESS s.f. (Prescurtat Mrs. înaintea numelui unei femei căsătorite) Doamnă. [pron. misiz. / < engl. mistress]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.06.2005. Sursa: DN  MISTRESS [MÍSIS] s. f. (înaintea numelui unei femei căsătorite) doamnă. (<… …   Dicționar Român

  • Mistress — Mis tress, v. i. To wait upon a mistress; to be courting. [Obs.] Donne. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mistress — (engl., spr. missis, »Herrin, Gebieterin«), Prädikat verheirateter Frauen, die nicht den Titel Lady (s. d.) führen. Heiratet eine Lady einen titellosen Herrn (Mister), so verbleibt ihr für ihre Person der Titel Lady. In der förmlichen Sprache,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • mistress — (n.) early 14c., female teacher, governess, from O.Fr. maistresse mistress (lover); housekeeper; governess, female teacher (Mod.Fr. maîtresse), fem. of maistre master (see MASTER (Cf. master) (n.)). Sense of a woman who employs others or has… …   Etymology dictionary

  • mistress — ► NOUN 1) a woman in a position of authority, control, or ownership. 2) a woman skilled in a particular subject or activity. 3) a woman (other than a wife) having a sexual relationship with a married man. 4) chiefly Brit. a female schoolteacher.… …   English terms dictionary

  • mistress — [mis′tris] n. [ME maistresse < OFr, fem. of maistre,MASTER] 1. a woman who rules others or has control, authority, or power over something; specif., a) a woman who is head of a household or institution b) Chiefly Brit. a female schoolteacher 2 …   English World dictionary

  • mistress — [[t]mɪ̱strəs[/t]] mistresses 1) N COUNT: usu with poss A married man s mistress is a woman who is not his wife and with whom he is having a sexual relationship. [OLD FASHIONED] She was his mistress for three years... He has a wife and a mistress …   English dictionary

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