- aspergilla
- [͵æspəʹdʒılə] pl от aspergillum
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aspergilla — as·per·gill· || æspÉ™dʒɪl n. perforated container or brush for sprinkling holy watern. aspersorium, perforated container or brush for sprinkling holy water … English contemporary dictionary
aspergillum — noun (plural aspergilla or lums) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin aspergere Date: 1649 a brush or small perforated container with a handle that is used for sprinkling holy water in a liturgical service … New Collegiate Dictionary
Orseille (lichen) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir orseille. Nom vernaculaire ou nom normalisé ambigu : Le terme « orseille » s applique en français à plusieurs taxons distincts … Wikipédia en Français
aspergillum — /as peuhr jil euhm/, n., pl. aspergilla / jil euh/, aspergillums. Rom. Cath. Ch. a brush or instrument for sprinkling holy water; aspersorium. [1640 50; < NL, equiv. to L asperg(ere) to besprinkle (see A 5, SPARGE) + illum dim. suffix] * * * … Universalium
ASPERGILLUM seu ASPERSORIUM — ASPERGILLUM, seu ASPERSORIUM vasis erat genus, quô Sacerdotes apud Romanos aquam lustralem aspergebant: Lustrica quoque, Ioh. Rosin. Antiqq. Rom. l. 3. c. 38. Vide infra voce Spondaules, item Thesaurus Orch. Sic hodieque in Communione Romana… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
aspergillum — [ˌaspə dʒɪləm] noun (plural aspergilla or aspergillums) an implement for sprinkling holy water. Origin C17: from L … English new terms dictionary
aspergillum — /æspəˈdʒɪləm/ (say aspuh jiluhm) noun (plural aspergilla /æspəˈdʒɪlə/ (say aspuh jiluh) or aspergillums) a brush or instrument for sprinkling holy water; aspersorium. {Latin aspergere sprinkle + illum, diminutive suffix} …
aspergillum — [as΄pərjil΄as΄pər jil′əm] n. pl. aspergilla [as΄pər jil′ə] or aspergillums [ModL < L aspergere (see ASPERSE) + neut. dim. suffix illum] R.C.Ch. a brush or perforated container for sprinkling holy water: also aspergill [as΄pərjil΄] … English World dictionary
as|per|gil|lus — «AS puhr JIHL uhs», noun, plural gil|li « JIHL y». any one of a genus of tiny fungi having sporebearing organs (conidiophores) that resemble the brushes (aspergilla) used for sprinkling holy water. Many common molds, including several… … Useful english dictionary