
1. [͵mısʹkɒndʌkt] n
1. 1) дурное поведение; нарушение дисциплины; юр. тж. неправомерное поведение; проступок
2) юр. адюльтер; супружеская неверность
2. неумелое, плохое выполнение своих обязанностей, особ. должностное преступление
2. [͵mıskənʹdʌkt] v
1. 1) дурно вести себя; нарушать дисциплину; совершить проступок
2) нарушать супружескую верность; совершать адюльтер
2. неумело, плохо выполнять свои обязанности

he has so misconducted his affairs that he's deep in debt - он так плохо вёл свои дела, что запутался в долгах

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "misconduct" в других словарях:

  • misconduct — mis‧con‧duct [ˌmɪsˈkɒndʌkt ǁ ˈkɑːn ] noun [uncountable] formal bad or dishonest behaviour by a professional person: • the penalties for such misconduct as fraudulent trading or theft ˌgross misˈconduct HUMAN RESOURCES …   Financial and business terms

  • misconduct — mis·con·duct /mis kän dəkt/ n: intentional or wanton wrongful but usu. not criminal behavior: as a: deliberate or wanton violation of standards of conduct by a government official b: wrongful behavior (as adultery) by a spouse that leads to the… …   Law dictionary

  • Misconduct — auf der Building Bridges Europa Tour (2006) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Misconduct — Mis*con duct, n. 1. Wrong conduct; bad behavior; mismanagement. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. Unlawful or unethical conduct by a person holding a public office or having a position of responsibility in the administration of justice; malfeasance; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Misconduct — Mis con*duct , v. t. To conduct amiss; to mismanage. Johnson. [1913 Webster] {To misconduct one s self}, to behave improperly. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • misconduct — ► NOUN ▪ unacceptable or improper behaviour. ► VERB (misconduct oneself) ▪ behave in an improper manner …   English terms dictionary

  • Misconduct — Mis con*duct , v. i. To behave amiss. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • misconduct — (n.) 1710, bad management, neglect; see MIS (Cf. mis ) (1) + CONDUCT (Cf. conduct) (n.). Meaning wrong conduct is attested from 1729 …   Etymology dictionary

  • misconduct — [n] bad or unethical behavior delinquency, dereliction, evil, immorality, impropriety, malfeasance, malpractice, malversation, misbehavior, mischief, misdemeanor, misdoing, mismanagement, naughtiness, offense, rudeness, transgression, wrongdoing; …   New thesaurus

  • misconduct — [mis΄kən dukt′; ] for n. [ mis kän′dukt] vt. 1. to manage badly or dishonestly 2. to conduct (oneself) improperly n. 1. unlawful, bad, or dishonest management, esp. by a governmental or military official; specif., malfeasance 2. willfully… …   English World dictionary

  • Misconduct — This article is about the legal sense. For the association football sense, see Misconduct (association football). For the infraction in ice hockey, see Penalty (ice hockey). A misconduct is a legal term meaning a wrongful, improper, or unlawful… …   Wikipedia

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