- misanthrope
- [ʹmıs(ə)nθrəʋp] n
мизантроп, человеконенавистник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
misanthrope — [ mizɑ̃trɔp ] n. et adj. • 1552; gr. misanthrôpos, de misein « haïr » et anthrôpos « homme » 1 ♦ (Sens fort) Personne qui manifeste de l aversion pour ses semblables. « De ces misanthropes qui haïssent tout le monde, et qui ne s aiment pas eux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Misanthrope — Жанры Дэт метал Авангард метал Блэк метал Дум метал Годы с 1988 года … Википедия
misanthrope — MISANTHROPE. s. m. Ce mot est pris du Grec, & signifie proprement, Qui hait les hommes. Il se dit d un homme bourru, fascheux & qui semble estre ennemi de la joye & de la societé. C est un misanthrope. un vray misanthrope. la Comedie du… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
misanthrope — UK [ˈmɪs(ə)nˌθrəʊp] / US [ˈmɪs(ə)nˌθroʊp] or misanthropist UK [mɪsˈænθrəpɪst] / US noun [countable] Word forms misanthrope : singular misanthrope plural misanthropes Word forms misanthropist : singular misanthropist plural misanthropists someone… … English dictionary
misanthrope — A misanthrope is a hater of fellow human beings; a person who hates women is a misogynist. The corresponding concept nouns are misanthropy and misogyny; hatred of men is misandry. How significant it is that misanthrope dates from the 16c and… … Modern English usage
misanthrope — mis an*thrope (m[i^]s [a^]n*thr[=o]p), n. [Gr. misa nqrwpos; misei^n to hate + a nqrwpos a man; cf. F. misanthrope. Cf. {Miser}.] A hater of mankind; a misanthropist. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Misanthrope — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Melodic Death Metal, Progressive Death Metal, Avantgarde Metal Gründung 1988 Website … Deutsch Wikipedia
misanthrope — (n.) one who hates mankind, 1560s, from Gk. misanthropos hating mankind, from misein to hate (see MISO (Cf. miso )) + anthropos man (see ANTHROPO (Cf. anthropo )). Alternative form misanthropist is attested from 1650s … Etymology dictionary
misanthrope — [n] person who hates others cynic, doubter, egoist, egotist, hater, isolate, loner, misanthropist, recluse, skeptic; concept 412 Ant. humanitarian, philanthropist … New thesaurus
misanthrope — (also misanthropist) ► NOUN ▪ a person who dislikes and avoids other people. DERIVATIVES misanthropic adjective misanthropy noun. ORIGIN from Greek misein to hate + anthr pos man … English terms dictionary
misanthrope — [mis an′thrə pist; ] also [ mi zan′thrə pistmis′ən thrōp΄, miz′ən thrōp΄] n. [Gr misanthrōpos, hating mankind < misein, to hate + anthrōpos, a man: see ANTHROPO ] a person who hates or distrusts all people: also misanthropist [mis an′thrə… … English World dictionary