- minorca
- [mıʹnɔ:kə] n
1. геогр. о-в Менорка2. минорка (порода кур)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Minorca — • Suffragan of Valencia, comprises the Island of Minorca, the second in size of the Balearic Islands, which are possessions of Spain Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Minorca Diocese of Minorca … Catholic encyclopedia
MINORCA — MINORCA, Mediterranean island of the Balearic group. The earliest information about the Jews on the island dates from 418 C.E. when Severus, the bishop of Minorca, reports on the victory of Christianity in the island. The agitation he fomented… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Minorca [1] — Minorca, Insel, so v.w. Menorca … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Minorca [2] — Minorca, halbseidenes geköpertes Zeug von Seide u. Flachsgarn … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Minorca — Minorca, span. Insel, s. Menorca … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Minorca — Minorca, eine der Balearen, 111/2 QM. groß, wasserarm, daher nur für den Weinbau ergibig und günstig für Schaf und Ziegenzucht, mit 35000 E. Die alte Hauptstadt Ciudadela ist Bischofssitz und hat 7200 E., die neue Puerto (Port) Mahon 12000 u.… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Minorca — Minorca1 [mi nôr′kə] n. [after MINORCA2] any of a breed of large chicken with black, white, or buff feathers Minorca2 [mi nôr′kə] 2d largest island of the Balearic Islands, east of Majorca: 264 sq mi (684 sq km): Sp. name MENORCA … English World dictionary
Minorca — For other uses, see Minorca (disambiguation). Minorca Menorca Native name: Menorca Flag of Minorca … Wikipedia
Minorca — /mi nawr keuh/, n. 1. Spanish, Menorca. one of the Balearic Islands, in the W Mediterranean. 50,217; 271 sq. mi. (700 sq. km). 2. one of a Mediterranean breed of white skinned chickens. * * * ▪ island, Spain Catalan and Spanish Menorca … … Universalium
minorca — mə̇ˈnȯrkə, nȯ(ə)kə noun Etymology: Minorca, second largest of the Balearic islands off the east coast of Spain 1. usually capitalized : a breed of domestic fowls of the Mediterranean class resembling the Leghorns but larger 2. s often… … Useful english dictionary
Minorca — Original name in latin Minorca Name in other language State code US Continent/City America/Chicago longitude 31.57933 latitude 91.48178 altitude 22 Population 2317 Date 2011 05 14 … Cities with a population over 1000 database