- mindon
- [ʹmaındɒn] n
частица материи, которая якобы переносит телепатические сообщения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mindon — may refer to: mindon hypothetical spirit particles for telepathy Mindon Min King of Burma Mindon, Burma a town This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link … Wikipedia
MINDON — antiquis Ocelum, nunc Mondonedo, urbs Hispaniae in Callaicis, Episcopalis sub Archiepiscopo Compostellano, 4. leuc. ab ora Oceani Cantabrici in Meridiem, 8. a Luco in Septentrionem, 6. a Ribadeo in Occasum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Mindon — born 1814, Amarapura, Myanmar died Oct. 1, 1878, Mandalay King of Myanmar (Burma; r. 1853–78). He came to power after the Second Anglo Burmese War. He was unable to persuade the British to return Pegu (in southern Myanmar) and was also forced to… … Universalium
Mindon Min — Mindon မင်းတုန်းမင်း King of Burma Prince of Mindon Reign … Wikipedia
Mindon Min — auf einem Porträt im Palast von Mandalay … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mindon Township — မင်းတုန်းမြို့နယ Township … Wikipedia
Mindon, Burma — Mindon Village … Wikipedia
Mindon Eldalieva — / Mindon Lofty Tower of the Eldalië , the tower of Ingwë in the city of Tirion; also simply the Mindon … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Mindon Min — Mindong Min de la Birmanie Mindon Min (birman မင်းတုန်းမင်း ; né Maung Lwin le 8 juillet 1808 à Amarapura, mort le 1er octobre 1878 à Mandalay), fut le dixième et avant dernier roi de Birmanie, du 18 févrie … Wikipédia en Français
Mindon, King — (r. 1853 1878) Tenth and penultimate monarch of the Konbaung Dynasty, he seized the throne after his half brother, Pagan Min (r. 1846 1853), suffered the loss of Lower Burma in the Second Anglo Burmese War. Like his contemporary, King… … Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar)
Mindon — (1814, Amarapura, Myanmar–1 oct. 1878, Mandalay). Rey de Myanmar (Birmania; r. 1853–78). Llegó al poder tras la segunda de las guerras anglo birmana. No pudo persuadir a los británicos de que devolvieran Pegu (en el sur de Myanmar) y además fue… … Enciclopedia Universal