- millenary
- 1. [mıʹlenərı] n
1. 1) тысячелетие2) тысячелетняя годовщина2. = millenarian I2. [mıʹlenərı] a1. тысячелетний, относящийся к тысячелетию2. = millenarian II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Millenary — Sire Rainbow Quest Grandsire Blushing Groom Dam Ballerina Damsire Dancing Brave Sex Stallion … Wikipedia
Millenary — Mil le*na*ry, n. The space of a thousand years; a millennium; also, a {Millenarian}. During that millenary. Hare. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Millenary — Mil le*na*ry, a. [L. millenarius, fr. milleni a thousand each, fr. mille a thousand: cf. F. mill[ e]naire. See {Mile}.] Consisting of a thousand; millennial. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
millenary — (adj.) consisting of a thousand, 1570s, from L. millenarius (see MILLENNIUM (Cf. millennium)) … Etymology dictionary
millenary — an adjective (and, less often, a noun) denoting a period of 1,000 years, is usually pronounced with the stress on the second syllable, although pronunciation with the stress on the first syllable is also heard and is the dominant form in AmE … Modern English usage
millenary — ► NOUN (pl. millenaries) 1) a period of a thousand years. 2) a thousandth anniversary. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ consisting of a thousand … English terms dictionary
millenary — [mil′ə ner΄ē] adj. [LL millenarius: see MILLENARIAN] 1. of or consisting of a thousand, esp. a thousand years 2. of the millennium or millenarians n. pl. millenaries 1. a thousand 2. a thousand years; millennium … English World dictionary
millenary — n. & adj. n. (pl. ies) 1 a period of 1,000 years. 2 the festival of the 1,000th anniversary of a person or thing. 3 a person who believes in the millennium. adj. of or relating to a millenary. Etymology: LL millenarius consisting of a thousand f … Useful english dictionary
Millenary Petition — noun (historical) A petition of Puritan tendency, signed by nearly a thousand clergymen, presented to James I of England on his arrival in London in 1603 • • • Main Entry: ↑millenary … Useful english dictionary
Millenary Petition — The Millenary Petition was a list of requests given to James I by Puritans in 1603 when he was travelling to London in order to claim the English throne. It is claimed, but not proven, that this petition had 1,000 signatures of Puritan ministers … Wikipedia
Millenary Petition — Pétition Millénaire ou The Millenary petition (1603) Pétition adressée à Jacques Ier, roi d Angleterre, en 1603 par les membres puritains afin d éliminer les derniers rites catholiques dans l Eglise anglicane (signe de croix lors du baptême,… … Wikipédia en Français